(no subject)

Oct 01, 2010 20:39

Hello f-list!

I am all moved in to my tiny tiny room in a converted chapel in Bath, which I took photos of but can't find my camera cable to upload them. I'm slowly unpacking but it's a hard job because my room is so small. At the moment I have a hanger on wheels on the landing outside my door for coats and dresses and things.

Also, f-list, I need more advice! Not scary life decision advice this time, though.

See, I'm the Social Secretary for my Archery Club, which means I organise all the socials from last Easter to this. I have some ideas, but for the first social of the year, with all the new fresher members, I need to come up with a really good but simple theme! Preferably archery based*, although that's proving difficult.

To give you an example, these are the archery socials we had last year (last year's Social Sec was a bit rubbish and didn't organise much, which is another reason why I need a killer first social!):

1. Archery target colours
2. Sky (as part of a Lethal Weapons social, the other leathal weapons clubs dressed up as sea and earth and fire)
3. Where's Wally? (one member of the committee hid in a pub in town, everyone else had to find him in teams)
4. Spring social

I can't think of anything!! Please help!

*and yes, of course I've thought of Robin Hood

university, archery

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