This is in no way a procrastination post

Oct 22, 2010 19:14

Hello f-list! I thought I would post to tell you all that university has not killed me yet. I have an exam on Monday - very unfair, an exam three weeks into term - and I am busy revising for that. It's quite interesting, DNA and cancer biology, but it's entirely self study and it is taking up a lot of time!

Also my boyfriend is coming to visit this weekend - very bad timing, but he booked the train tickets before I came back and found out about the unexpected exam. I was a bit upset earlier this week - not getting on well with my housemates and everything - and he decided to tell me he's taking me to have a treat on Saturday.. which was a very clever distraction technique, because I've spent the rest of the week trying to guess what it is. My first thought was a hot air balloon ride, but I think not because:

a) it was only in my mind because I was watching them fly over (they come over from Bristol most weeks) last weekend,
b) I'm not sure he knows about them,
c) He seemed unfazed when I said it's going to rain heavily tomorrow (the beginning of normal autumn weather - up until now it's been so dry I can actually kick up massive piles of leaves, like in American TV shows, as opposed to carefully trying not to slip on the slippery piles of death everywhere)
d) He's scared of heights. (d'aww)

My second guess is the Bath Spa (the modern one, not the Roman one, you're not allowed to go in that one). Especially because he said he knows exactly what I will wear and he will pack my bag for me when I asked if I needed anything*

Apart from the exciting treat, being back at uni hasn't been too bad. My flatmates are quite annoying, especially one, but she's moving out after Christmas to go on placement (and I might move into her (larger) room that has a double bed), and anyway I'm spending most of my day on campus anyway - I have three 17:15 lectures this semester, as well as a 18:15 some weeks... and on Fridays, when I finish at one, it's Happy Hour from 4. I am not looking forward to my 8:15 lectures next week and the week after. 8:15! That's, like, nightime!

Also, here is my September Colour Meme, quite late:

1. Choose three four orange pictures from September:

Orange Gold-fish, in a tank in a Secret Pet Shop near me. I didn't even know it was there! We went for a walk round the back of my old school, along a track through farms to a huge park (and yes, I do live in London) and it was just there! With chickens and a pet owl!

An Orange Sunset over the River Nile. I have a picture of sunset every night (and sunrise over the Sahara one day) and this is the best, possibly because it's the only time we were sailing west at sunset, so it's over the river instead of over the land.

An Orange Rose I saw on my walk to work in the last week of the holidays. I got an odd look from the person living next door when I stopped to take a photo.

An Orange Signpost I saw on a walk with my parents in Surrey. We were following the purple path, sadly, and were a bit lost. But shortly after this I saw a gate standing in the middle of a field! I walked all round it.

2. 2. Find three orange photos from the past:

The Orange tent of on of the members of my group, on our Siberian trek last July when we were trapped on top of the mountain for a day because of the weather... um, this is later in the day after it had cleared up.

A Happy Orange Drink (in Miso's last May) Isn't it happy?

Orange Fire on my friend's birthday, February 2009. That was a very cool restaurant.

An Orange Pumpkin Witch, last Hallowe'en at uni. That's a carrot, in case anybody's wondering.

3. 3. The first picture that comes up when you google 'orange':

It's an Orange!

4. 4. Finally, a orange picture that isn't orange (yours or the internet's):

My phone - which is on the Orange network. :) That was a hard one.

I am finding hanelissar's suggestion of white for October pretty hard, but I'm managing. Any suggestions for November?

*I've hidden my swimsuit, just to see what happens when he tries.

pictures, university, life, meme

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