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Comments 52

pidgeoned June 10 2012, 12:43:46 UTC

... )


miomeinmio June 10 2012, 18:09:53 UTC
You are such a tease! Dangling something like this in someone's face and then prancing off (with, I imagine, maniacal laughter). I don't know how you do it, but you've got a real talent for hooking your reader with the first paragraph. It's amazing, and I'm totally jealous, because it's such an awesome skill.

Anyway, just going to leave that here. I love your fic, don't ever stop writing, k? Thx.


poziomeczka June 10 2012, 19:12:46 UTC
oh believe me there will the infinity of this if i can help it


pidgeoned June 12 2012, 00:03:54 UTC
Thank you so much! No one's ever told me that before so um, this is quite new. poziomeczka and I are developing an elaborate au based on this gif set. So track this post if you want or check back for updates. We're both working on new stuff! :">


pidgeoned June 10 2012, 12:59:26 UTC

... )


pidgeoned June 10 2012, 12:59:35 UTC
“Are you,” Tom says slowly, breathily, eyes growing darker, “going to do anything about it? Are you going to fuck me or something? Fuck me hard or whatever little sordid fantasy you’ve got in that thick skull of yours?”

Chris opens his mouth, shuts it with an audible clink of teeth. “Jesus,” he mutters, rubbing a hand through his hair. Now he feels his ears and neck prickling with warmth.

“I’m not going to--”

“Good, because as if I’d let you,” Tom says, raising a challenging eyebrow.

“What,” Chris splutters. “Well, excuse me. I’m not the one like, gagging for it. I’m not the one with the fucking hard-on. You know what your problem is?”

Now he’s royally pissed Chris off. Chris resists the undeniable urge to grab Tom by the shirt and shake him a few times.

“Well?” says Tom patiently. “Tell me what my problem is Chris since you’re such an expert on figuring people out ( ... )


anutty1 June 10 2012, 20:21:18 UTC
Both of these, just yes, all the way, and, can I have some more please???


pidgeoned June 12 2012, 00:31:05 UTC
check back here for updates! there's a new one up :)


pidgeoned June 13 2012, 13:55:53 UTC

... )


pidgeoned June 13 2012, 13:56:13 UTC
Tom moved in the Saturday Luke came over for lunch. They were arguing over whether or not to have Thai or just order out when the doorbell rang, cutting Luke off mid-rant ( ... )


pidgeoned June 13 2012, 13:57:03 UTC
Nothing out of the ordinary happened for about a month, which was a good thing, but then slowly, over time, things started going incredibly pearshaped ( ... )


pidgeoned June 13 2012, 13:57:45 UTC
Tom handed him a tissue on his way out the back door. “The children loved you,” he said, hiking up his satchel and jogging a little to catch up to Chris. His curls bounced in the breeze.

Chris sniffed before dunking the wad of tissue into a nearby bin. “Sure,” he said, noncommittal. He didn’t want to lose his temper, not in front of Tom who kept squeezing his arm backstage and grinning at him, telling him what a great lion he would be. The play had been a modest success; the kids gasped at all the appropriate moments and a few even asked to have their pictures taken with Chris.

Tom laughed, patting Chris on the bicep.

“Thanks,” Tom said quietly after a moment, ducking his head a little, looking, for the first time since Chris had met him, shy. “For doing this. For me,” he said meaningfully ( ... )


miomeinmio June 14 2012, 07:01:17 UTC

God damnit, it's midnight and I've got Chinese homework for my intensive immersion but you UPDATED. Damn you damn you damn you! All three of these are amazing, and you're just so good at characterization. And I love that your characters are actually MEN, and not these feminized sex bots. You're just so good, and please don't stop. I go to China next Thursday, so you need to post as much as possible. For me. >.>


pidgeoned June 14 2012, 07:29:51 UTC
Haha, there will plenty of aus as long as poziomeczka is around. Good luck with that immersion thing! And thank you so much for reading and I'm glad you think I write guys like guys! That is, for me, one of the biggest compliments ever because I've been writing fics of dudes banging each other since I was about fourteen and I guess i got something right in the six-seven years since i started haha.

also loling at feminized sexbots.


miomeinmio June 14 2012, 08:26:09 UTC
I've been writing fics of dudes banging each other[.]


fuck yea.


pidgeoned June 14 2012, 08:57:35 UTC
dude, it's a religion. come on, dude.


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