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miomeinmio June 14 2012, 07:01:17 UTC

God damnit, it's midnight and I've got Chinese homework for my intensive immersion but you UPDATED. Damn you damn you damn you! All three of these are amazing, and you're just so good at characterization. And I love that your characters are actually MEN, and not these feminized sex bots. You're just so good, and please don't stop. I go to China next Thursday, so you need to post as much as possible. For me. >.>


pidgeoned June 14 2012, 07:29:51 UTC
Haha, there will plenty of aus as long as poziomeczka is around. Good luck with that immersion thing! And thank you so much for reading and I'm glad you think I write guys like guys! That is, for me, one of the biggest compliments ever because I've been writing fics of dudes banging each other since I was about fourteen and I guess i got something right in the six-seven years since i started haha.

also loling at feminized sexbots.


miomeinmio June 14 2012, 08:26:09 UTC
I've been writing fics of dudes banging each other[.]


fuck yea.


pidgeoned June 14 2012, 08:57:35 UTC
dude, it's a religion. come on, dude.


poziomeczka June 14 2012, 16:12:44 UTC
do I hear my name slandered? Like we really need to get our shit together and write fic like normal people instead of spazzing about literally everything, but then everytime I talk to you it's like a mad party where Chris is doing a keg stand and Tom coaxes us to go skinny dipping (not that we need the coaxing)

oh oh sexbots though guys. sexbots.
how about a s-f au? with either one of them as you know a... bot?
programmed for sexing?
and there's like stuff and some duconning?





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