dude, and what happened when I 表白'd

Apr 12, 2012 11:28

So, the way it went:

English corner: went alright. Fine.

After English Corner: talked for ages with students, dude did too. Finally got time to talk with dude.

First asked how date went. Date did not go, then he explained his whole recent relationship history to me, and it turns out he is Interested in not one but two different girls; he's iffy about his feelings, but definitely Interested in them.

So, I finally, after long hesitaiton and awkward eyeballs, spat it out. He took it remarkably well. Remarkably! Remarkably as in he told me he could tell and had been able to tell for a while now. Then he apologized for not telling me he knew, and reassured me that he wouldn't tell anyone ;p

The rest of the talk was a whole lot of me trying to explain feelingy stuff and him being surprisingly cool with it; he wanted me to know that I definitely wasn't alone here, that he'd be around to "console" me if I needed help (the whole conversation was in english) and that he still thought I was awesome as a friend.

Which is a huge relief, because as soon as Le Feelings go back wherever they came from, I want to be able to have long, analytical conversations with him, because he is, in fact, a good conversationalist and looks for reasons in things and is quite interesting to talk to.

It feels right now like they're fading already. I think the day after the What Do You Mean It's Not A Date was the worst, and while feelings persisted afterwards, I now know precisely what ground I'm on; since it isn't going to be reciprocated, I'll ignore feelings if they happen again, and get my brain back on track.

I am actually quite pleasantly not-upset about it. A little saddened, but, well, hell's bells, I'll fiugre this romance thing out eventually. This wasn't the one, but there's plenty more opportunities out there in the Great Big Et Cetera.

So. I think now I'm going to call my mom and go to bed.

china 2012, feeeelings wo wo, journal-writing as therapy, boys boys boys, thoughtflinging, !finished

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