Ah, musicals and hockey...

Jun 06, 2010 20:09

I love going to musicals.  Yesterday, I went with my parents and aunt to The Drowsy Chaperone. I enjoyed it but I probably wouldn't pay to go see it again for another decade or two.  (But if it's free at the U, why not?)  I liked the mocking of the musicals and enjoyed the music (though not the lyrics as much.)  The plot (which was mocked in the ( Read more... )

theater and movies, hockey

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Comments 5

mylittlepuppet June 7 2010, 16:21:06 UTC
:D Sounds like a good time!
I'm glad they won- I was getting updates from Andy during work.
I went running this morning! Or... at least, I tried to. Eric is training for a relay race, so I asked if I could run with him, but we ended up walking most of the time because my endurance is loooooow. Fail. But I think I'm going to do that more often. :)


pickingupstars June 7 2010, 19:10:25 UTC
Andy is your boss, right? He must be in a happy mood. I kept wanting to text you, but I would have felt horrible if I managed to get you into trouble. (I have a talent with that, don't I?)

Tehe, I bet your endurance is better than mine. Running is so not my thing. Walk two miles and I won't even notice it but run more than a couple yards? No thank you.

My pool is almost ready to swim in! At least I think so. I got a call from the water testing lady and she sounded perky. I didn't think to ask, just gave her my Dad's number.

Oh! And my brother disappears for a week or so starting tomorrow. No more dirty laundry in the bathroom!


mylittlepuppet June 8 2010, 04:11:23 UTC
Andy's just a guy I kinda like at work. :3
Oh! It's not your fault! My family can be scary...
I'm the same way with walking! D:
Yay swimming!! Yay for siblings taking a vacation! XD


pickingupstars June 9 2010, 00:28:56 UTC
Oh. That Andy.

Actually, I first thought of the badminton thing.

Tehe, we should go on more walks. Random idea: have you ever walked around the Geneva area? It's really pretty during the summer and when hot, we could always take a dip in the lake or go into the air conditioned stores XD

And the pool call was actually a major set back. Stupid algae. And Matt is gone as of 4am this morning. It's niicccceee.


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