
Jun 14, 2010 13:52

Stephen and Beth are slowly but surely turning me on to True Blood. Let's see if I can soldier on through the show from the beginning without getting too distracted by the mile-long gap in Anna Paquin's front teeth or Stephen Moyer's strung out Elvis impression.

30 days of music...

Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love:

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meme, friends, celebs, youtube, music, teevee

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Comments 16

zombifiers June 14 2010, 18:39:23 UTC
Kudos to you if you can do it. That show's pretty awful IMO.


pianotheme June 14 2010, 18:48:13 UTC
Better than Twatlight.


zombifiers June 14 2010, 18:50:59 UTC
So is a bucket of piss. That doesn't make that bucket of piss pleasant. 8(


pianotheme June 14 2010, 18:59:17 UTC
If I like it, I like it. If I don't, I don't. The worst that can happen is I've thrown away a few hours of my day. It gets better after the first five episodes anyway, so I hear.


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