
Apr 16, 2008 21:15

I feel sick. Like, dying-sick. Maybe it's anticipatory of who I have to work with tomorrow. Urgh.

Uh. Every Wednesday, I want to do a meme. Like so:

The Hypothetical AU Meme: Take any one of the fandoms you know I like AND give me another time period (Ancient Rome, Regency England, etc.) OR give me a type of AU (space opera AU, pirate AU, ( Read more... )

under the weather, meme, ughhh, work, what the eff

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Comments 6

roadtriphome April 17 2008, 03:08:12 UTC
*huggles you* I hope you feel better soon!


pianotheme April 17 2008, 16:13:46 UTC
I do. Thank you, love.


rosehiptea April 17 2008, 05:37:51 UTC
Silent Hill in Regency England.

(I'm sorry; I had to.)


pianotheme April 17 2008, 17:39:03 UTC
Hrm. Don't know too, too much about Regency England, but here we go.

I'm using Silent Hill 2 for this because of the varied and colorful characters, but if there's a particular installment you want me to do instead, I will ( ... )


rosehiptea April 17 2008, 17:48:06 UTC
It's perfect! It's... awesome, in fact. XD Thank you.


pianotheme April 17 2008, 19:13:48 UTC
My pleasure!


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