
Mar 21, 2008 15:55

It sucks feeling creatively inferior!

After finishing a particularly hideous looking prompt for fanart50, I'm tempted to drop my claim and go with fanfic prompts instead. Attempting to tackle Henry and Eileen -- or any established characters, for that matter -- looks weird and wholly unattractive in "my style" (LOL). Really, all my doodles and original ( Read more... )

* roadtriphome, * fanart50, writing/ficcing, fanart/art/doodles, rant

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Comments 9

roadtriphome March 22 2008, 01:38:11 UTC
O.O You've been reading HotR?!


pianotheme March 22 2008, 01:39:15 UTC
A little today, yes. :3


roadtriphome March 22 2008, 01:42:05 UTC
*flails wildly* You. Must tell me. Everything you thought. And such. Cause really, no one's reading it except us. *lol* It's not perfect, and it's in it's raw form, but we love it and I love taking it out of it's round robin form and having it up on my site. :)

So please, indulge me. How far along are you?


pianotheme March 22 2008, 01:44:50 UTC
I admit, I've been skimming a tad because the chapters are incredibly well-written, but a little long. Usually I would've read them to their fullest, but my eyes were being lazy sonsabitches.

I believe I am... on chapter three or four. Right after Ryan and Fairuza first meet and she takes a picture of him and tells him not to pose. xD


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