
Mar 21, 2008 15:55

It sucks feeling creatively inferior!

After finishing a particularly hideous looking prompt for fanart50, I'm tempted to drop my claim and go with fanfic prompts instead. Attempting to tackle Henry and Eileen -- or any established characters, for that matter -- looks weird and wholly unattractive in "my style" (LOL). Really, all my doodles and original stuff looks fine. Everything else? Garbage.

It's inevitable that I compare myself to those I feel are far more talented than I am. Plus, I've been really inspired by roadtriphome's "The House on the Rock" to try and tackle a challenging project that I've had in mind for years. I need something very dear to me to focus on; to pour my heart and soul into, and this one's been brewing since high school!

I mean, writing is easily editable and you're bound to find someone else in the whole of the universe that can connect with your stories. I don't think art can be that objective if you don't feel good about it. That lack of confidence and passion is going to shine through no matter what. If you write, you can redact, add or leave it to gather dust until you find your muse again.

Man, even typing about it here is stoking my desire to just write. That must be all the answer I need, huh?

* roadtriphome, * fanart50, writing/ficcing, fanart/art/doodles, rant

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