Sticky Post of Links

Aug 22, 2014 15:14

Hi! Hello! I haven't been on LJ in a long while, but I keep getting messages asking where I am/how I'm doing, and whether or not I'm still writing fic. The question most particularly asked is whether or not I ever finished that "Some Nights" Harvey/Donna Suits series. The answer to which, I can happily say, is I did (!!) and I apologize that I ( Read more... )

arrow, fic, the newsroom, agents of shield, suits

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Comments 5

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phrenitis August 22 2014, 23:06:29 UTC

And weirdly, most of the messages I get are anons... both here and Tumblr. So, I'm either highly intimidating to a bunch of people (because nothing says intimidating like being a complete wine-loving, 'ship-crazy, videogame playing, sci-fi nerd, fangirl), or all these anons probably boil down to like, two people. :D


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phrenitis August 23 2014, 21:31:38 UTC
All the changes they kept making to the LJ interface really annoyed me, and then I got sucked into Tumblr, and now I just forget to come back here. I do miss the community that used to be here though -- despite it shrinking in recent years, it was much more personal than Tumblr ever will be. :/

And ahahahaha. <3 I'm SO intimidated to write for Newsroom, and never think I will, but then the season finales air and suddenly I'm writing because I just can't help myself. Only one more season... I AM SO SAD THIS SHOW WON'T BE ON FOREVER.


anr August 23 2014, 12:04:42 UTC
*tacklehugs you*


phrenitis August 23 2014, 21:35:51 UTC
NESS. I MISS AND LOVE YOU ALWAYS. I hope you and the 'ickle adorable bnr are doing well, and when you get your phone photos back (you will, I have no doubt), you must share all so I can die over his cuteness.

And you tell me if you need anything! I can send care packages, or baby need packages, or save you from cabin fever packages... :D


anr September 9 2014, 08:38:21 UTC
We are doing well! And your initial care package was so wonderful! All I really need now is for your work to send you to Australia for a visit!! *g*


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