Sticky Post of Links

Aug 22, 2014 15:14

Hi! Hello! I haven't been on LJ in a long while, but I keep getting messages asking where I am/how I'm doing, and whether or not I'm still writing fic. The question most particularly asked is whether or not I ever finished that "Some Nights" Harvey/Donna Suits series. The answer to which, I can happily say, is I did (!!) and I apologize that I never came to share it here.

So, the happy news is I am alive and well, and for anyone still interested, here are links to my currently active locations:

* AO3: phrenitis
* Tumblr: inkpenpencil
* Twitter: inkpenpencil
(twitter is locked for RL-hiding reasons, but please consider yourself invited if you want to share in any of the 1000 fandoms I can flail over endlessly)

And here are direct links to the fics I've written since I last updated my LJ:

SUITS - Harvey Specter/Donna Paulsen
* Some Nights series:
Part 1: Some Nights (It Was Meant To Be)
Part 2: Some Nights (It All Could End)
Part 3: Some Nights (It Takes A Conversation)
Part 4: Some Nights (It's Because Of The Past)
* One Half of Two

ARROW - Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak
* Until The Wind Changes
* Fragments

THE NEWSROOM - Will McAvoy/Mackenzie McHale
* 2.0

MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD - Phil Coulson/Melinda May
* Pound of Flesh

arrow, fic, the newsroom, agents of shield, suits

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