Title: The Mountains Washed Away
Author: Phreakycat
Pairing: Danno/Steve
Rating: M
Genre: Adventure, H/C, Slash
Warnings: Some violence, mention of physical injury, boy love (though I think of this as an enticement rather than a warning...)
Summary: Take Steven and Danno and blend well with gunfire and an explosion. Add a healthy dose of whump and
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Comments 27
Please tell me the next chapter is coming soon!
(Nice to see some of the awesome SPN folks in this fandom too! I am excited.)
I'm working on the next chapter already, so hopefully I can get it posted soon. :) Thanks for commenting!
McGarrett is a whole different breed. More like a cat. The kind of cat that rips up your couch and pukes in your shoes and never, ever does what you tell it to
and loves you. A lot. With big eyes.
Excellent beginning, waiting for more with my trademark Patience™.
Loves you back. And loves kittehs. Also - Trademark patience = awesome.
I adore the story and can't wait to see where it goes, but your A/N has convinced me that we should definitely be friends, as Steve, Danny and their epic gay love and Steve whumpage are two things I most thoroughly enjoy. So...wanna be friends?
Looking forward to the next chapter!
I can tell by your icon that we'll get along swimmingly. :)
PS: I'm partway through reading your most recent fic, and HOLY SHIT, GIRL. You are a master of the written word. I bow down before your greatness. Seriously - I'm feeling sort of inadequate here. *shuffles her fic behind a ficus to hide it's flaws*
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