BROTCG [post]

Jun 30, 2009 09:58


QUICK LINKS: brotcg | brotrade | cardkitchen | levelup | memberlist | ticketbooth | directory


Aoi; Level 02
Card Count: 178 [NEXTLEVELUP » 201]
Join Date: 24.06.2009

✖ Collecting; Not.Trading.At.All.
✖ Future/Keeping; Cards I plan to collect in the future, or just find really pretty :D Trading away only for Collecting/OTP decks or other Future decks (preferably the Future deck with the most no. of cards)
✖ Trading; I'd prefer to trade these for Future/Collecting decks, but it depends on what cards you're offering
✖ Pending; Trades that have not been fully confirmed by either party
✖ On-Hold; Cards will be on-hold for an indefinite period of time - feel free to tell me if you want to put any cards on hold
✖ Not updated yet/Cards not added yet; due to school and real life, many of my cards haven't been uploaded to this post yet. However, if you want to trade any of those cards, feel free to comment away. Please give me a 2 week allowance though [to reply to you/get the card up]. If you want to put any cards on-hold, that's fine too.
✖ Membercards; free for trade! if you want to be trading buddies, just ask :D and provide a link to your post[s] of course :)


 x 04
 x 01




























 [pyrotol - america01, america02, espionage04, pizzahut05]

 [frickbiscuits - revolt08]
» kamina will give me TONFA09 on SEPTEMBERFIRST

LOGS (the date is the day i finally get around to updating this post, not the day of comment; usernames are underlined because lj!html likes screwing with me)
04.07 - starter pack: tonfa02/07/12, normal09, wrench15, america05, cryptic06, symmetry01, hearts14, memories12, literary15, three08, bombs02 (+calories15)
11.07 - received illusions11, tenth08, tonfa03 in eyespy01; received vice06 in numberluck01; received normal05, stray12, n-italy09, bombs11, insanity03, zangetsu12 in vitalregion01; received ego10, insanity05, bloody12, yellowticket in eliminatethetrash01; received reject06, stray04, three13 in experiments01; traded membercards with xtiggzie
13.07 - traded symmetry01 (+membercards) for baseball07 with chimyde; traded membercards with frickbiscuits;
18.07 - received illusions14, n-italy08, memories06 in eyespy02; received wrench09, ego13, bloody10, papa06, revolt04[series] in vitalregion02; received illusions13 in numberluck02; received zangetsu08, kendo03, bell08, arrow03 in freebies02; received spinzaku12, symmetry14, automail13, yellowticket in trash02; traded bloody12 and ego10 (+membercards) for bombs03, bombs12 with sparkism; received hearts06, cupid09[series], ruby03 in freebies01; traded literary15 (+membercards) for bombs13 with gravity_xx;
24.07 - traded insanity03 for tonfa14 with frickbiscuits; traded bloody10 (+membercards) for bombs14 with teagueful; received tonfa15, fonist04, headphones07, sigmund13, yellowticket in forge01; received palmtop02 in vitalregion03; received tenth13 in numberluck03; received spinzaku07, three11, memories10, popular07 in freebies03; received america01, benihime04, camellia02, respect08, guren10 in pinkysearch01;
30.07 - received ripper09 in numberluck04; received benihime07, baseball13, bunny11, ish12, worker15, bl@ster13 in corner01, received devils06, hearts13, stoic09, conceals03 in experiments03; received panther06, reserved15, tactics04, coralian07 in birthday01; received prussia03, russia15, pizzahut14, chunks10, espionage11, archaic08, chirp11, kora15, ranking02, ripper15, voi09, whip06, oblivion07, split06, puppet15, tonfa04, tonfa10, tonfa08, puppet09, spinzaku09, tenth04 in august deck update,

02.08 - leveledup! and received pacifist14, headphones02, innocence09, colorado04, sadistic07; received cryptic02, prussia13, conceals12, redticket in trash04; received vessel06, spain08, boobs07, mizuiro11, rail07, cyborg03 in vitalregion04; received cat11, pictures07, puppet02, arrow03 in freebies04; received calories14, shirayuki15, ish08 in eyespy04; received tonfa08 in heavens01; traded hearts06, hearts13, headphones07 (+membercards) for automail01, calories05, superstar13 with enfacade; traded membercards with midori_lover and technophile; traded symmetry14 for existence03 with frickbiscuits; traded  chunks10 for tonfa11 with first_quadrant;
03.08 - traded bl@ster13 for superstar08 with frickbiscuits; traded coralian07 for baseball01 with databomb; traded hearts14 for superstar01 with xtiggzie;
07.08 - received coralian02, stray07, popular08, sexy09 in experiments05; received calories08, method09 in freebies05; received archaic03 in numberluck05; received chirp14 in cardkitchen; traded wrench09, wrench15, pictures07 for cat10, cat03, oblivion15 with technophile;
11.08 - traded ish12, innocence09, sexy09 (+membercards) for vice15, illusions08, illusions15 with desert_lemon; traded worker15 for split07 with frickbiscuits; traded america01, prussia13 for baseball14, bombs08 with diplopod;
15.08 - received revolt11 in freebies06;
15.08 - received kora02 in numberluck06; received pictures06, puppet04, bl@ster02, vincent04, detective03, bloody04 in vitalregion06;
23.08 - received rabbit14, denpa15, explosive09, reserved08 in snapshot07; received existence02 in numberluck07; received mirano05, pictures15, mirano04, sheep09, snake01, clown01 in vitalregion[special]; received chirp10, charm05 in freebies07; received superstar09, archaic12, mirano03 in eyepatch05; received boar13, oblivion12, whispered06, dinosaur12 in gilbert06; received peppy12, germany12, shota05, awaken03 in gilbert05; received pizzahut09, boobs03, awaken08, debt05, promise04, calories01, yellowticket in corner02; received detective04, boobs04, camellia15, n-italy11 in birthday03; received cupid15, drum07 in eyepatch04; traded germany12 for tonfa05 with diplopod; traded coralian02 for cat01 with databomb; traded three08, pictures06, bunny11, three13 for spinzaku15, whip01, whip05, whip08 with technophile;

07.09 - traded automail01 (+membercards) for split03 with pyrotol;

NOT UPDATED YET BECAUSE OF RESTRICTIONS (if you want to ask me from a card here, feel free to |D i'll only reply after i get the card up though - please refer to terms above for info.)


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