Jun 29, 2009 07:37

Aoi; Level 01
Card Worth: 130
Join Date: 29.06.2009

✖ Collecting; Not.Trading.At.All.
✖ Future; Trading away only for Collecting decks or other Future decks (preferably the Future deck with the most no. of cards)
✖ Trading; I'd prefer to trade these for Future/Collecting decks, but it depends on what cards you're offering
✖ Pending; Trades that have not been confirmed
✖ On-Hold; Cards will be on-hold for an indefinite period of time - feel free to tell me if you want to put any cards on hold

cert1 - ?
cert2 - ?
cert3 - one choice card
cert4 - ?
cert5 - ?

 x 05

Haneuma » 4/20


(worth 0)

(60 worth 1; 3 worth 2; total worth 66)



(55 worth 1; 0 worth 2; total worth 55)


(5 worth 5)

 (ails - automail02, automail19, genius02, flame12, golden08+membercard)


01 - received starter pack: aku20, chairman20, enslaved15, haneuma09, haneuma13, king10, omnislash13, shadow04, shikyokan20, shogi03, triforce18, yanagi13; received haneuma11, exorcist11, heika04, shikaku17 in crazycard44; received shenhu17, epyon03 in analogy23; received cert03, chains08, punisher10, hothead16, stars08 in artistguess44; received ryuuzaki19, imperial01, exile16, paradise03 in laundrybasket44; received ribika14, akatsuki09 in memory44; received cert03, impulse14, musician03, tobari09, gentry17 in bonuswordthursday44; received cert03, writer05, b-san05, chains03, earth14 in bonuswordmonday43; received sougyo16, speed15 in guesswho43; received yanagi14, yakou17 in mysteryeyes43; received maga02, houshi09 in picturepuzzleeasy43; received lupan12, silvana08, tobari18, paradise05, puzzle43 in picturepuzzlehard43; received cert03, shenhu20, golden05, succession07, kamen14 in thezoo43; received shogi06, ito06, betrayal05, gunslinger13 in wordscramble43; received ring07, unnamed20 in bishounenpick24; received divinity07 in freebie24; received knights03, routel01, harvard02, feather13, dandelion06, conductor06 in lottery13; received eastern14, nezumi03, automail10, hokkan08, kodachi09, neet06 in scratchoff22; received tensai02, mangaka13, gunslinger17, exile19, goban02 in shinigamisearch22; received nations14, sun02, zetsuei04, kansatsu02, cyclist20 in loki'smischief22; received data10, shinsou15, hyoutei13, kozuchi16, impulse12, poison14, tensai19, prodigy17, cuatro10, mithril19, taijutsu05, forbidden15 in treasurehunt12; mikhail07, zehel07, shikaku11, gentry03, cyclist12 from mainpage/updates; received b-san15, mithril06 in picturepuzzleeasy44; received diablo04, astral06, fuenken03, emperium11, puzzle44 in picturepuzzlehard44; received beloved20, playboy17, terror02, demon06 in scratchoff23; received energetic13, kao13, tristan02, kairoushuu01, lieutenant07 in shinigamisearch23;

04 - traded exile19, gentry03, kansatsu02, stars08, beloved20, demon06, triforce18 for haneuma12, b-san04, b-san18, tensai10, god19, seisou05, chains06 with plaidelf (+membercards); received golden10 for maga02 in tradepot21; received hime01, neko07 in guessthecharacter45; received noble15, hitsuji13 in analogy24; received cloud16, inu11, sight09, bassist12, cert03 in artistguess45; received data11, kodachi10, master04, houshi18 in laundrybasket45; received thunder03, trapeze05 in memory45;
• (not added yet) received akatsuki06, kodama19 in treasurehunt13;


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