Multi-Fandom Pet Peeves Bingo: The Ultimate Bad!fanwork Challenge of DOOM!

Oct 17, 2013 22:06

Okay. So, I came up with this really stupid brilliant idea: the first ever Multi-Fandom Pet Peeves Bingo: The Ultimate Bad!fanwork Challenge of DOOM! No, no, hear me out!

You don't even need any writing/arting skills to participate. The whole point of this challenge is to out-fail the other participants and die laughing have fun doing it. The badder the entry, the better! ( see hilarious example curtesy of dysonrules)

Example of a Fandom Pet Peeves Bingo Card

[Click to view]Instead of kinks, the prompts are in the form of Pet Peeves from yesterday's poll. All bingo cards will be arranged randomly.

Speech tags/punctuation fail
Excessive purple prose
Excessive word emphasis
Random foreign language/iconography usage
Character bashing

Bad euphemisms/adjectives for sex/genitalia
Altering a character's appearance to fit stereotype
Mary Sue/Gary Stu
Turning a good/evil character evil/good without justification
SPAG errors in header

Everyone is bi/gay
Epithet abuse

OOC vocabulary/speech patterns
Smooshing pairing names

Bad POV switches
Misuse of homophones/similar words
Canon fail
Questionable sexual practices
Misuse of verbs, adverbs or adjectives

OOC characters
Misspelled character names
Blackmailing for comments

Fandom Pet Peeves Bingo Guide
  1. Request a Fandom Pet Peeves Bingo Card in the comments below. You'll be assigned a card.
  2. Look at the card and figure out which bingo you want to fill (see Types of Bingo/Bonus below)
  3. Create a story (e.g. comment!fic, drabble, etc), podfic, or art piece (e.g. sketch, graphics or a video) based on the bingo squares chosen for any fandoms you want.
  4. Come back to this post and respond to your sign-up comment with your entry or a link to your entry. Please mention the type of bingo you've filled and also include the relevant links if you've filled the crossposting square (see Bonus). Points will be awarded accordingly.
  5. Repeat step 2 to 4 as often as you like. The more entries, the more points!
  6. At the end of the challenge (tentatively 31st of December - will be extended for a week or so for late entries lol), the participants with the highest points and/or really memorable/creative entries will receive a Golden Penis Award or something equally as distasteful awesome.
Types of Bingo/Bonus and Points Awarded

[Click to read]Bingo
  • Line bingo: A fanwork that incorporates all 5 squares on a (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) line on the card. (10 points)
  • X or + pattern bingo: A fanwork that incorporates all 9 squares for two intersecting lines that crosses at the ★ square. (20 points)
  • Cross bingo: A fanwork that incorporates all 9 squares for two (non-diagonal) lines that crosses each other. (20 points)
  • Parallel bingo: A fanwork that incorporates all 10 squares for two parallel (vertical or horizontal) lines on the card. (22 points)
  • Blackout bingo: A fanwork that incorporates all 25 squares on the card. You must come up with a new Pet Peeve for the ★ square. (50 points)
  • Crossposting bonus points: Filling the "Crossposting" square i.e. crossposting your entry to ONE community entitles you to an additional 5 points. (Haha, I double dog dare ya!)

Prompt Squares: Explanation and Example

[Click to read]
  1. ★ - For the middle square (i.e. wildcard), you can use any Pet Peeves you want as a prompt (existing bingo card square or otherwise)
  2. Crossposting - Crossposting to a gazillion fandom communities (for the purpose of this challenge, once will do)
  3. Misspelled character names - Misspelling a canonical character name throughout the fic. e.g. Severus (Sevrus), Merlin (Melon), Lupin (Loopin)
  4. Misuse of homophones/similar words - Consistently confusing similar sounding or looking words. Commonly confused words are also accepted. e.g. masturbating/masticating, except/accept, lie/lay, your/you're
  5. Bad euphemisms/adjectives for sex/genitalia - Cringeworthy descriptions or euphemisms for sex or body parts. e.g. "Turgid man-meat", "pouting nipples", "pulsating porcelain globes"
  6. SPaG errors in header - e.g. "Viewer excretion advised"
  7. Mary Sue/Gary Stu - Introduce a new character or turn an existing canonical character into a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. e.g. Dumbledore's long lost niece from London, Trinity Emerald Morimoto Sephirothas, has glowing violet eyes.
  8. Random foreign language/iconography usage - Not consistent with canon. e.g. "Spock-kun, you're so kawaii!" Jim said, heart in eyes.
  9. Excessive word emphasis - Often through the use of caps, bold fonts, italics, asterisks and other forms of punctuations e.g. "Why *can't* you *love* me?!"
  10. Bad POV switches - Switching between character POVs in the story in an unclear fashion, making it hard for the audience to know which head they're in
  11. Speech tags/punctuation fail - e.g. "I love you," Harry smiled. (Speech tags identifies the speaker and describes the act of speaking - you can't smile a word)
  12. OOC vocabulary/speech patterns - e.g. "Harry dawg! I’d almost forgot you was here, standin' on t'bones of my pa. I’d introduce you, but rumour has it you’re almost as hyped as me these days," Voldemort said.
  13. Altering a character's appearance to fit stereotype - e.g. making a character who prefers to bottom smaller and more feminine than the character who prefers to top
  14. Blackmailing for comments - e.g. "I'll write the next chapter if I get __ comments!"
  15. Turning a good/evil character evil/good without justification
  16. Everyone is bi/gay - Include characters that are homosexual/bisexual/pansexual in an improbably high amount especially when the canon indicates otherwise
  17. Excessive purple prose - Excessively extravagant, ornate, or flowery writing prose
  18. Questionable sexual practices - Unsafe and painful sounding practices or positions not recommended in RL e.g. Using mayonnaise or chunky peanut butter for lube or using a tree branch or knife as a dildo substitute.
  19. Canon fail - Ignoring basic or well-known canon facts/didn't do basic research. For AU stories, conveying a really bad understanding of the original text/show will do.
  20. Epithet abuse - Overusing or misusing epithets (see guide)
  21. Character bashing - Bashing a character without proper justification
  22. Misuse of verbs, adverbs or adjectives - Overusing or misusing verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
  23. Smooshing pairing names - e.g. Kirk/Spock (Spirk/Kock), Draco/Snape/Harry (Drapery), Katniss/Peeta (KatPee/Peeniss)
  24. OOC characters - Making characters act against their established personalities.
  25. Textspeak - Using internet lingo or shorthand inappropriately

Bad!Fanwork Entries

Harry Potter Universe

dracogotgame's Tenagers Scare Da Livin S@#$ Outta Me (Harry/Draco, Blackout Bingo - 55 points)
potteresque_ire's Like Phoenix on Acid: A Tale of Love and Rebirth, Violence and Poetry (Harry/Draco, Blackout Bingo - 55 points)
nursedarry's Strictly Come Drarry (Harry/Draco, Blackout Bingo - 55 points)
ashindk's Draco Malfoy and the sexy quidditch player (Harry/Draco, Blackout Bingo - 55 points)
piglet76's Enter the Dragon (Harry/Draco + Severus, Blackout Bingo - 55 points)
leo_draconis's Welcome to the Mile High Club (Harry/Draco, Blackout Bingo - 55 points)
enchanted_jae's Malfoys Little Pussy (Harry/Draco, Cross Bingo + Crossposting Bonus - 25 points)
writcraft's I Hate Everything About You (Why Do I Love You?) (Harry/Draco, Parallel Bingo - 22 points)
melusinahp's The Spring of Thy Loins (Harry/Draco, Parallel Bingo - 22 points)
notsocraven's Golddiger (Ron/Lucius, Parallel Bingo - 22 points)
dysonrules's Someday My Prince Will Come (Voldemort/OC, Cross Bingo with emphasis on Misspelled Character Names - 20 points)

Teen Wolf Universe

phoenixacid's Domesticated Deserts (Derek/Stiles as Cookie/Hot Chocolate - no canon knowledge required, Blackout Bingo - 55 points)

Walking Dead Universe

casey270's Dick Is Good 4 You’re Sole (Parallel Bingo - 22 points)

Help me pimp this!">">">The Ultimate Bad!fanwork Challenge of DOOM

Come and be dumb with me, you know you want to!

{crazy}, stuff: multifandom pet peeves bingo, {lol}

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