[1019] Thus closes Act I

Apr 05, 2010 21:23

That, of course, heavily implies that there are acts besides Act I. Who knows if that will happen? I feel that this, at least, is a semi-satisfying conclusion. Or is it?

Unbeta'd, as all my zombie pieces are. It also marks my very first foray into the mind of Lee. Huzzah? Comments, constructive criticism, etc., are always welcome.

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lee, zombies

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Comments 29

chibidrunksanzo April 6 2010, 05:53:04 UTC
Yay, Tenten! ...Yeah, that's the extent of my comment right now.


phoenix_melody April 6 2010, 12:32:17 UTC
I'll take that. XD Thanks for commenting.


lexkixass April 6 2010, 07:48:57 UTC
XD Nice.


phoenix_melody April 6 2010, 12:32:31 UTC


hiza_chan April 6 2010, 15:35:09 UTC
I love this so much! Lee refusing to leave Shikamaru, and TenTen trying her damndest to fuck up as many zombies as possible before she goes, and then Naruto popping up in the end! I know you said there might not be more, and I won't lie because I totally want more of this. But if this is the end, thank you ever so much for the ride. ♥


phoenix_melody April 6 2010, 23:31:40 UTC
I'm glad you liked it, 'cuz I'm pretty sure this was the weakest piece out of the four I've written. Thanks for your consistent commenting--getting this made my work day brighter. ♥

Whether or not I'll continue is currently up in the air. I've nothing plotted out after this point, beyond the vaguest of the vague. Of course, that can always change, and perhaps it will. At the moment I'm far more interested in hunting up dinner than writing. >.>


phoenix_melody May 13 2010, 05:20:19 UTC

pixiepilot April 7 2010, 04:53:54 UTC
Awesome. Awesome sauce. Seriously. I love TenTen.


phoenix_melody April 7 2010, 13:07:03 UTC
I quite enjoyed writing her! ^-^ Thanks for commenting, glad you liked the piece. ♥


flourite_roses April 7 2010, 12:11:53 UTC
I have returned from my camp! And even through a lack of sleep and all, (but srsly, God, thanks for the seat on the one-hour plus train-ride ♥) I couldn't stop reading this until the end. Leeeeeeeee. Good boy! You got my Shikamaru safely! Tenten is uninjured!! Tenten, yay~~

Seriously though? For that horde coming? THIS IS WHERE NINJA SKILLS ARE MEANT TO BE DISPLAYED. ok, now brb, sleeping til Kingdom comes.


phoenix_melody April 7 2010, 13:17:47 UTC
Welcome back from camp. Glad you enjoyed the piece! ^-^

Ahahahaha, if they had ninja skills, this would be a very good time for them to emerge. Alas, they are normal kids.


phoenix_melody May 13 2010, 05:20:43 UTC

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