Weekend Hike

Jun 26, 2012 12:33

I've been out in the mountains these past two weekends, and now that the weather finally decided to recognize that it's summer I will be out hiking or climbing more often than not. So I think I'll make trip reports about my hikes a regular thing. Just as much for me to keep track of my hikes as for you since you get to see some pretty pictures and ( Read more... )

trip report, photography, weekend hike, outdoor, hiking, mountains

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Comments 4

bloose09 June 26 2012, 19:21:33 UTC
Thank you for sharing this incredible scenery. Each picture is so awe inspiring. Why are there fat ducks in every lake? There are fat mallard ducks that live in a golf course lake adjacent to my back garden. Maybe these are their distant relatives.

It is so tricky learning the way of train travel as it differs from country to country and even city to city sometimes. Those argumentative conductors ;)

Thanks again for the beautiful photos!


phoenikxs June 26 2012, 21:19:08 UTC
Thank you, hon!
And I do believe ducks are a fixture in every lake throughout the world. No idea how, but that's the way it seems to be. Glad you enjoyed the pics.


develish1 June 28 2012, 21:06:28 UTC
gorgeous pics love, thanks for sharing


phoenikxs June 30 2012, 21:32:28 UTC
You're very welcome, my dear.


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