april/may/june/july writing roundup

Aug 01, 2010 18:19

... i kind of got off track a bit. i'm going to get ON track again. i've got off track of a lot of things in the past few months. i'm going to fix that. i think it was the business with my rehab counsellor that messed me up. i'm not going to let her beat me.


burst (who - eleventh doctor/amy; PG.)

showers (who - tenth doctor ( Read more... )

dr. who, torchwood, fanfic, writing, roundup post

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Comments 1

newtypeshadow August 2 2010, 01:54:58 UTC
On track sounds divine! Don't let the bastards keep you down, sweetie! (I know, it's "get," but the point is not to stay down.) *snugs*

And yay for another roundup post! *saves cybergeishas for later reading*


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