
Apr 25, 2010 16:29

clickies from thewlisian_afer, dolphingirl, spiderine and mactavish.

tea party behaving in racist ways (not that this is news, really.)

joedecker is having a get-to-greenland sale! there are some gorgeous pics for sale. I would love that small one with the polar bear, if anyone's desperately looking to buy me something. ;)

horse adopts family of ducklings SO CUTE OMG.

bisexual softball players Read more... )

who fandom eeted my brainz, more antarctica yay, antarctica is clearly awesome

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Comments 3

magie_05 April 26 2010, 02:33:13 UTC
ORCAS <3 <3 <3

And omg, 3-parent embryos, that's pretty much awesome. I love mitochondrial science so hard :3


adularia April 26 2010, 03:07:36 UTC
That's such a great set of clickies. *loves*


hobbitblue April 26 2010, 20:37:53 UTC
Various wows, oohs and eeps as appropriate... :>


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