
Apr 25, 2010 16:29

clickies from thewlisian_afer, dolphingirl, spiderine and mactavish.

tea party behaving in racist ways (not that this is news, really.)

joedecker is having a get-to-greenland sale! there are some gorgeous pics for sale. I would love that small one with the polar bear, if anyone's desperately looking to buy me something. ;)

horse adopts family of ducklings SO CUTE OMG.

bisexual softball players sue after gay world series discrimination yeah, apparently we don't exist. jackassery.

katie price warned against scuba diving because of breast implants

fifteen unintentionally perverted children's toys

orcas are more than one species, gene studies find

australian fairy bread recipe looks delicious.

conservationists lure ospreys to new nesting sites with polystyrene models of ospreys

strange sea species found off greenland

wisconsin woman arrested for blow-dart spree said she liked to hear people say 'ouch'.

endangered sturgeon flourishing in Wisconsin

archie comics introduces first openly gay character

pre-wwII knitting needles pretty! the red ones are made of milk protein.

doctor who birthday cake

the women who go to extremes to 'regain' virginity this is just - weird.

kids forced to remove medicalert bracelets in school WHAT.

three-parent embryos could prevent disease, but raise ethical issues fascinating. and quite useful for some relationships. :)

ten things you didn't know could go well with chocolate

scientists find deep ocean current near Antarctica

cats that fall more than seven stories get fewer injuries then those who fall shorter distances of course they do - they have time to turn over and land on their feet. or try to.

who fandom eeted my brainz, more antarctica yay, antarctica is clearly awesome

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