roundup post: december/january

Feb 05, 2010 20:47

how did i forget to do this before now? silly phin. no matter.


the mischevious adventures of jack and john at the time agency (i): debriefing isn't what you think torchwood, jack/john, nc-17, one-shot (despite the title. no, really. i just wanted to be left open to play in this 'verse some more later. <3)

not-fandom: (otherwise known as poetry)

the pain of practice makes us perfect (currently in search of a less pretentious title, jeez. ugh.)

lost (accompanies the second photo in this series, so I suppose you could even say it's got a photographic work to go with it. i actually really like this one as it is - even the photo - which is really, really an amazing feat in and of itself.)

three, for two months. not bad considering stress levels i suppose. carry on.

torchwood, poetry, fanfic, writing, roundup post

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