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Comments 9

the_xtina October 15 2009, 17:52:40 UTC
[There are link breakages here!]

Also, I yawned at the picture of the guy yawning.


phinnia October 15 2009, 18:58:09 UTC
fixed now! thanks <3


deelaundry October 15 2009, 18:10:55 UTC
Lowe calls Kyle her hero, and it's a title he's happy to accept.

"Let's get back to the interview about the hero thing," said Kyle. "I mean, that was the first time I've ever saved someone's life, in an accident. That's the first time I've ever done it."

OMG, that's exactly what my son would say. :D "The first time," he says, as if he knows there will be many more opportunities and he will be able to save more lives. *squishes Kyle*


phinnia October 15 2009, 19:01:45 UTC
i just love him, he seems like such a great kid. <3


brewsternorth October 15 2009, 18:14:09 UTC
< a href=UK Royal Society for Protection of Birds say some birds are sharing nest boxes

Sounds like a giggle!


phinnia October 15 2009, 18:57:55 UTC
fixed now! <3


brewsternorth October 15 2009, 20:25:11 UTC
BEBBEH BUNNEHS. Particularly the rare ones.


foxestacado October 15 2009, 20:50:58 UTC
Regarding your link about contagious yawning...there's actually some emerging evidence suggesting that schiozphrenia is linked to NOT having "sympathetic" yawning.


amenquohi October 15 2009, 23:05:47 UTC
OMG, the story with autistic kid! How wonderful!!


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