some really amazing clickies

Oct 08, 2009 15:39

clickies from recrudescence, dolphingirl, nightdog_barks, anahcrow, adularia, chezmax, epi_lj and shutterbug_12. i know a few other people have emailed me stuff but i'm in the midst of clearing out my email so it'll get posted for sure in the next few days.

Cirque founder hosts space show for earth's water

will high-heel-friendly streets keep Seouls' women happy? (i have given up trying to spell the name of the korean ( Read more... )

antarctica is truly awesome, more antarctica yay, omfg japan

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Comments 11

inlaterdays October 8 2009, 23:12:14 UTC
OMG. This people of Walmart thing. OMG.

I feel better about some of the...things I wear when I have to do an errand and everything's in the wash, suddenly.


phinnia October 8 2009, 23:17:19 UTC


maladaptive October 8 2009, 23:54:14 UTC
But don't look at the comments on people of walmart.

Basically every comment you agree with will be hidden due to low votes, and the jerks will be visible, like this one.

1,000+ people like "the official language is English" but all the people going "omg racism :(" are voted down? The official language thing chaps my ass like nothing else. If you want to be in a country where the official language is English, maybe try England.


phinnia October 9 2009, 03:48:20 UTC
that sadly doesn't surprise me. *sigh* my usual policy is 'user comments are bad for you' in most cases. :p


maladaptive October 9 2009, 11:47:38 UTC
I should've known! I've been spoiled by sticking to places with generally intelligent user comments.

...Of course, these are places like Apartment Therapy, where the most acrimonious discussions are about IKEA.


icyblue October 9 2009, 00:51:31 UTC
That is one FANTASTIC and EPIC list of clickies. So fun! The Stephen Fry one was hilarious!


amy_119 October 9 2009, 01:03:53 UTC
"You are being shagged by a rare parrot." LOLOL

People of Walmart is hilarious. And the mushrooms are soooo cool.


shutterbug_12 October 9 2009, 02:09:44 UTC
That new ring around Saturn is very cool. There seems to be an outpouring of new information because of some of the recent images coming back. It might be a coincidence, of course. But, whatever the reason, it's pretty great. I love space...stuff. =)

That parrot mating ritual made me laugh so hard. Few things really and truly make me guffaw like that, but whew. That was utterly fantastic. =) Poor guy, with the scratches and all, but it was still a good laugh.

Glad you like the mushroom link! I used to sit with my parents' National Geographic magazines for hours (the photography alone in that publication is astounding). =) Those, and my Ranger Ricks. Hee.


phinnia October 9 2009, 03:49:04 UTC
YES. my dad had a ton of national geographics - and my grandmother sent me a subscription to ranger rick ... <3


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