thursday's child

Jun 11, 2009 12:17

first: went to the rehab doctor. she's happy things are going well, upped my baclofen dose (again) and is going to see me again in july. we'll be doing botox but it's going to be not as much and in different places so hopefully the falling down and all won't happen. i love her. she is small and fierce and doesnt take anyone's crap and is determined ( Read more... )

penguins are awesome, things that really matter, writing, my friends are awesome

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Comments 5

little_missmimi June 11 2009, 19:28:55 UTC
is he eligible for one of those waivers? if so, i really hope he can get one.

i have a slight learning difference, and could have gotten an IEP, but my school didn't want to pay for it.


tsuki_no_bara June 11 2009, 20:32:55 UTC
oh my god that's neon. O.O (i can upload more color-accurate photos when i get home.) i'm glad you like it! the monks bring me joy and i thought they'd make a really cute wee book.

and not just any penguins - penguins in love!


shutterbug_12 June 11 2009, 21:14:33 UTC
Aww, that book is awesome. What a great idea! I hope that medicaid waiver is something that can benefit Sean if it happens. <3


euclase June 11 2009, 21:46:18 UTC
*drools at the binding*

THAT IS SOME COOL SHIT RIGHT THERE. tsuki_no_bara is pure hero. :D


sensorium June 12 2009, 02:28:19 UTC
I signed the petition. I really, really, really hope it can happen.


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