thursday's child

Jun 11, 2009 12:17

first: went to the rehab doctor. she's happy things are going well, upped my baclofen dose (again) and is going to see me again in july. we'll be doing botox but it's going to be not as much and in different places so hopefully the falling down and all won't happen. i love her. she is small and fierce and doesnt take anyone's crap and is determined to get things done.

second, some clickies (one from my 'Licia)

new element for periodic table

this is another of these things, and it's kind of immediately relevant: support fully funding medicaid waivers for developmentally disabled kids. The afterschool/holiday placement we have Sean in costs nine hundred dollars a month. If he could get a medicaid waiver it would pay for the whole thing, as well as extra respite if we needed it. there are thousands of kids on the waiting list. if he had one of these waivers i would worry so much less about his future, because he could get the assisted support that he needs to live independently.

So yeah - click. repost. please.

also third! tsuki_no_bara made me A BOOK with MY MONK STORIES IN IT and it is AMAZING!!!

embarassingly bad cellphone camera photo under the cut:

the cover is a lovely green paper with koi on it, and it's japanese-stab bound, and there's a little beaded thing on the side - and her note came on a PENGUIN postcard which is just extra awesome. The koi are red in person. god my camera sucks. NEED NEW CAMERA.

penguins are awesome, things that really matter, writing, my friends are awesome

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