Title: Not Quite Paradise in the Backseat
Fandom: Numb3rs
Characters: Alan, Alania, Charlie
Prompt: #112 Backseat
Word Count: 200
Rating: FRK
Summary: Alan has a crowded backseat
Disclaimer: The closest thing I own to Numb3rs is a calculator.
Author's Notes: See Assertion
Not Quite Paradise in the Backseat )
Comments 5
I used to PSA the whole have your local fire department check your car seat installation thing, but I think by now most people know how insane it can be and will take all the help they can get!
Yes, I always had a friend in Law Enforcement check the kiddies seats. The people I work with took them right to FD and basically said "do this!"
Of course, this always caused a bit of confusion about my marital and faminial status. Try explaining being a single, childless woman in a mini-van to guys you are trying to date!
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