Title: On Thin Ice (or a Highly Polished Wooden Surface)
Fandom: Numb3rs
Characters: Don Eppes/Billy Cooper/Melinda Reeves (OFC)
Prompt: #20 Skating
Word Count: 789
Rating: FRK
Summary: Don meets someone he hasn’t seen in awhile.
Disclaimer: The closest thing I own to Numb3rs is a calculator. CH and NF own the boys. I do own Melinda.
Author's Notes: See Assertion
“Agent Eppes.”
Don froze as he stood in the concession line. He’d know that voice anywhere, but he couldn’t honestly say he was glad to hear it. Turning slowly, he forced a smile, “Dr. Bradford. What a surprise meeting you here.”
“Mmmm… I could say the same. I wouldn’t have pegged you for a roller skater.”
“Oh, I’m not. I prefer ice skating or rollerblading, but…” Don paused, thinking, But, what, Eppes? You gonna tell a Bureau therapist that your boyfriend lost a bet to your girlfriend and now you’ve got to teach him to roller skate? Yeah, that won’t get your ass thrown back in therapy. “I’m teaching a friend to skate. You?”
The therapist studied him for a moment; doubt about Don’s story in his eyes, before finally answering, “My youngest is here for a birthday party.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you had kids,” Don was genuinely surprised.
Pride light the man’s face, “Three beautiful girls.”
“Girls are amazing,” Don’s thoughts turned to Alania. “I always figured I relate better to boys, but my niece changed my view on that. In fact, she’s changed my whole view of the world and she’s not even mine.”
“Charlie had a child,” it was Bradford’s turn to be shocked.
Don laughed, “God, no, I don’t think his boyfriend would be willing to give birth and Charlie’s just starting to not be terrified of Alania after two years. No, I call her my niece, but she’s Megan and Larry’s little girl.”
“Okay, a lot has changed since you came to see me last. I’d love a chance to catch up.”
“Business so slow you got to drum it at roller skating rinks?” At the look on the large man’s face, Don raised his hands in surrender, “Sorry, cheap shot. Look, maybe I’ll stop by sometime, but there really isn’t much to talk about. I’m still using some of the things you taught me to deal with things. Dad, Charlie and I are closer than we’ve ever been. They are both in really good, stable relationships with people I like and respect. Megan, Larry and Alania are an important part of our family. My best friend is here in LA living with me and my truly amazing girlfriend. Life is good.”
“Well, he’s got the amazing girlfriend part right,” Coop interjected as he and Melinda came up behind Don. “She puts up with him after all.”
Ducking under Don’s arm to wrap her arms around his waist, she stuck out her tongue, “No, what is amazing is that I put up with you.”
“Don’t mind them. They’re crazy. In fact, they would make great patients.” Don offered the introductions, “Dr. Bradford, Agent Billy Cooper and Melinda Reeves.”
“C.P.A. If everybody else is using titles, I want to, too,” Melinda mock pouted.
Bradford laughed, “Don’s right. I could help you with that issue.”
“Aw, hell, man, she’s got more interesting issues than that,” Coop extended his hand. “Look, it’s nice to meet a shrink when it hasn’t been ordered, but I’m starved, so I’m going to order us some grub. Since this slacker,” he hooked a thumb towards Don, “didn’t do it. Can I get you anything?”
“No, I was telling Don, I’m here with my youngest for a party,” Bradford returned the handshake.
“Okay,” Coop headed towards the concession stand, but stopped at the sound of Don’s voice.
“No beer, Coop.”
“No,” Melinda cut off his protest. “Don’s going to take you on a highly polished wooden surface while you’ve got wheels strapped to your feet. You don’t need anything else to throw off your balance.”
Coop rolled his eyes, “Doc, see if you can talk them into some couple’s counseling to get those sticks out of their asses, huh?”
“Oh, I’ll give you something in your ass,” Melinda went after him, kicking.
Bradford looked after them for a moment. Slowly, he turned back to Don with one of those looks on his face that tended to make Don spill his guts. Not for the first time, Don thought that Bradford must have been a force in an interrogation room.
Finally, he spoke, “Reeves?”
“Megan’s big sister by eleven months and little sister by six inches,” Don smiled as he used Melinda’s favorite description of her relationship to her sister.
He nodded, “Well, I’m glad you’re happy and settled, Don. But if the three,” there was a special epenthesis on the word, “of you ever need a safe place to work anything out, please don’t hesitate to come to me.”
Don took the offered hand, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”
As Bradford walked away, Don couldn’t help thinking that the man was scarily and annoyingly good at his job.