Title: On Thin Ice (or a Highly Polished Wooden Surface)
Fandom: Numb3rs
Characters: Don Eppes/Billy Cooper/Melinda Reeves (OFC)
Prompt: #20 Skating
Word Count: 789
Rating: FRK
Summary: Don meets someone he hasn’t seen in awhile.
Disclaimer: The closest thing I own to Numb3rs is a calculator. CH and NF own the boys. I do own Melinda.
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Comments 3
And, yes, I decided that Don wasn’t in therapy anymore. I’m not sure why or when he would have quit, but I just don’t see him as a long termer. More likely the “only when I can’t deal” type and having Billy around to talk to helps him deal in my head.
Yeah I like working him into Don's thoughts about the whole thing and DOn hasn't told him anything yet,
but your fic is more in the future and I do agree that i don't think Don would keep going....
the last line was perfect....
I am not sure if it will make it in but he does tell bradford at one point......
we have many parallels in our fics (or will if I go with all the outlines I have) but they h ave twists in them that make it interesting.....
ok i am just rambling now... so ignore me.. bleh
Well, nine more stories and I'll be mostly done with them. Just a few visits in wormholes.
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