Title: Coming Home
Fandom: Numb3rs
Characters: Don Eppes/Billy Cooper/Melinda Reeves (OFC)
Prompt: # 9. Sleeping In
Word Count: 1,121
Rating: FRT
Summary: Don asks Melinda to move in.
Disclaimer: The closest thing I own to Numb3rs is a calculator. CH and NF own the boys. I do own Melinda.
Author's Notes: See Assertion
“What the hell is that,” Billy sat straight up in bed as a loud buzzing filled the bedroom.
Melinda stretched and rolled half over a groggy Don, “It’s my new cell phone’s alarm. Kinda obnoxious, but it works.”
“Why is it going off at,” Don barely opened his eyes to look at the bedside clock, “4:15 in the morning?”
“Because, I’ve got to get back to my apartment, get showered, dressed and to a breakfast meeting at 7 AM. I’ll be lucky if I make it,” she tried getting out of the bed, but was hampered by the arm that Billy had thrown over her when he laid back down.
Tightening his arm against her struggles, Billy sighed, “Why didn’t you just bring clothes here? That way you could wake us at a decent hour. Not four-fucking-fifteen AM.”
“Like I haven’t been woken at all hours by ringing cell phones and you two stumbling out of bed for crime scenes,” she muttered as she gave up her struggles and bit him gently, but with enough force, on the shoulder. His arm immediately moved away as he gave a small yelp and she escaped by crawling over Don.
Sitting up once she was out of bed, Don flicked on the bedside lamp. Billy groaned and pulled the covers over his head, but Don watched as Melinda pulled on the yoga pants and t-shirt she had worn the night before. He was mildly amused when she just stuck her panties and bra into her purse. As she started to comb her sex and sleep tousled hair, he spoke, “You know, if you moved in with us, you would have to do all this.”
The brush dropped, “What?”
Billy’s head peaked out of the covers.
“Come on, we’ve been planning on having a baby together, don’t you think it would be fairly logical to all live together, too? We’ve got the room. You could even have your own room, if you wanted it,” Don shrugged, suddenly thinking there should have been a better way of doing this.
Melinda sat on the foot of the bed facing away from them for a minute. Slowly, she turned and looked at both men, “Billy, what do you think?”
“I don’t think you should have your own room,” he sat up against the headboard like Don. “I think you should have your own closet, but not your own room.”
“You’d be okay with me moving in,” she blinked, feeling like somehow she’d woken up in the Twilight Zone.
Billy smiled, “If Don’s happy with it, then I’m happy with it. Oh, and it will help with the mortgage payment, cause, Miss Moneybags, you will be chipping in.”
“Minda, if I didn’t want to do this, then I wouldn’t have offered. Look, you don’t have to decide right now. Go home, go to work and we’ll talk tonight or tomorrow.”
Melinda nodded mutely, “Okay.” She gathered her stuff and gave them each a kiss as she left, feeling slightly dazed.
Billy looked at Don, “Kinda sprung that on her didn’t you?”
“Yeah,” Don scooted down in the bed and closer to Billy. “Sorry about that. I know we talked about asking her together, but it just seemed like the right time.”
Billy wrapped an arm around Don’s waist, “Hey, its okay. I think we just need to tell her that this something we discussed; something we both want.”
Don nodded, “Yeah. Let’s go back to sleep, we don’t have to be to work until nine this morning.”
Don and Billy may not have had to go in until 9AM, but it was well after 9PM when they both had been able to trek home. They were pleasantly surprised to find Melinda curled up on the couch, watching a rerun of Taxi and eating ice cream.
Plopping down next to her, Don smiled, “That looks good. I’m starving.”
“Well, you can have some if you want, but there are Marie Callendar’s pot pies in the oven. I stopped by and got some on my way here.”
“Don’t you love our girl, Eppes,” Billy asked as he went into the kitchen to retrieve their waiting dinners.
Putting an arm around her shoulders, Don kissed her forehead and whispered, “Very much.”
Resting her head on his shoulder, Melinda remained quiet. She remained quiet while Don and Billy ate. She remained quiet when Don and Billy got into the familiar argument about whether or not the guy playing Alex Reiger looked like Don’s dad. Finally, when they were finished dinner and Taxi had turned into M*A*S*H and the argument had turned into whether Alan Alda looked like former Senator Vinick, Melinda broke her silence, “I talked to my community manager today about breaking my lease.”
Don and Billy turned to look at her, now completely unconcerned about Hawkeye and BJ pulling another prank on Charles.
Don spoke first, “What did you say, baby?”
“I talked to my community manager today about breaking my lease.”
“And,” Billy prompted.
“Well,” she blew out a breath, “basically I have to give him 30 days notice and pay two month’s rent the day I move out.”
“Wow,” Don sighed.
Melinda started to get off the couch, “Yeah, that was my thought. So, I’m not helping with the mortgage for the first couple of months.”
Billy laughed, but Don caught her hand, “Does this mean you want to do this? You want to move in with us?”
“I spent the entire day thinking about this,” Melinda moved to sit on the coffee table, so she was facing them, “and I came to some conclusions. One, I love you both very much, so I should and do want to spend my time; my life with you. Two, if we are going to have a baby, it will be much better for that baby to be raised in one home with all three parents. Three, it will help your cover story that you’re just roommates, if I move in as one of your girlfriends.”
“Don’s,” Billy interrupted. “Nobody’d believe we were dating serious enough to live together.”
Melinda smiled, “Okay, whatever. Four, our families would probably approve of this more, if they saw and understood the commitment. Five, I really like the idea of sleeping in an extra hour every morning, since this is closer to work than my place.”
Don laughed, “So you just want us for our short commute.”
“No,” Melinda slid off the table to sit straddling one of their legs each, “I want you for your bodies. I want your condo for the commute.”
“Sounds good to me,” Billy pulled her head down for a kiss, while Don worked the buttons on her shirt.