Title: I Just Came Back From A War
Prompt: #25 Strangers
Fandom: M*A*S*H
Pairing/Character: Radar
Disclaimer: Well, since Fox doesn’t have a Studio Store, I don’t even own any good M*A*S*H stuff let alone M*A*S*H.
Rating: Major
Word Count: 285 (not counting the lyrics)
Summary: A Stranger is looking back at him
Note: The Song and Lyrics I Just Came Back From A War belong to Darryl Worley, but it does make me cry. Thanks to
tvjunkie1013 for the awesome beta as usual!
The person in the mirror doesn’t look familiar. He isn't sure if the person peering back at him is a boy or a man or just a soul-less shell. All he knows is that the person in the mirror isn't Radar O’Reilly, but he isn't Walter O’Reilly either.
He knows that Radar is gone; like that part of him died or disappeared. He isn't sure when it happened. Although, he likes to think that it happened over the Sea of Japan. That the part of him that was Radar slipped from him and the plane and spiraled into the sea to rest for all eternity with Henry Blake. Yes, he likes to think that; can even imagine it when he closes his eyes.
The thing that puzzles him is where Walter went. He expected to find him in his mother's embrace or with his buddies or with Mr. Hoss that ran the crusher at junkyard or with his animals. But Walter isn't there. Instead there is a stranger in the mirror and when he’s with his mother and with his buddies and with Mr. Hoss and with the animals.
He knows that he could get to know the person in the mirror; that he could learn to understand him. But he also knows that he could never like the person in the mirror; that he could never learn to support him. This person with the sunken eyes and cheeks and day old stubble and little lines around his eyes. This stranger in his body.
So, he goes to the junkyard. Mr. Hoss will understand tomorrow morning when he opens the crusher to start the day. He just needs to get this stranger out of him.
'Cause I just came back from a place where they hated me and everything I stand for;
A land where our brothers are dying for others who don't even care any more.
If I'm not the same little freckled-faced boy that grew up in that house next door,
I just came back from a war.
I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
I just came back from a place where they hated me and everything I stand for;
A land where our brothers are dying for others who don't even care any more.
Chances are I never will be the same, I really don't know any more,
I just came back from a war
I just came back from a war.
You don't know me, you don't know me...
I just came back from a war.
You don't know me, you don't know me...