I'm thinking of getting another job, say, just part time at a supermarket or something, save some money, make it easier to fly away. Couple of jobs at SJS look promising too
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I know when I travel, teh books and journals are always the first things packed. If things don't fit in after that, then it's clearly because they just aren't as important.
You've seen my collection of books though, right? I think I'd take the essential comfort reads and just rely on libraries far far away, backpacking with lots of books seems silly. And I think that old diaries could stay here in parents attic till i decide to settle somewhere.
Like Melbourne!!!! You damned well better be deciding on settling in Melbourne now, missy. *raised eyebrow*
I think I have some of the same books as you have. If we were together, we could figure out what books I'm taking so you wouldn't have to have those books and you wouldn't have to worry because they would still be there. *grins*
Comments 12
Books, journals, Buffy/Angel dvds. :D
I think I have some of the same books as you have. If we were together, we could figure out what books I'm taking so you wouldn't have to have those books and you wouldn't have to worry because they would still be there. *grins*
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