Spring Fling Friending Frenzy

Apr 13, 2016 22:42

Let's try to get this started... In order for it to be successful, you must post about it on your own livejournal! Let your friends know, so they can join too!

So if you're looking for more active friends on LiveJournal, fill out this survey AND post about this on your own journal! Feel free to have discussions in the comment section here and try to find people suitable for your friends list!

If you post and your comment is sent to spam, please message me so I can unscreen it. LJ doesn't have it completely right!

1) My name:
2) My age and location:
3) My career/education/etc:
4) My posts usually fall into the following categories:
5) How often do you comment on your friends' posts?:
6) My favorite things to read on my friends list are:
7) My friendship dealbreakers are:
8) I post entries on average once every: (day, 2 days, week, etc)
9) My three favorite books are:
10) My three favorite movies are:
11) Share a fun gif, meme, quote, song lyrics, etc.:
12) Anything else?



spring fling friending frenzy!

Comments will be closed ONE MONTH FROM TODAY, which will be April 13, 2016.
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