Two House/Wilson Polls

Mar 06, 2009 09:28

Hey guys! Welcome to the polls! :D
Poll House/Wilson and Canon
Feel free to fangirl and squeal as much as you want. XD This is mostly just for fun, but I’m really curious about what you guys think. :D Expand on what you think as much as you want, say how, say why, say when- whatever! Just have fun with it.

My thoughts:

I, personally, think that House/Wilson becoming canon isn’t ( Read more... )

pairing: house/wilson, fandom: house, type: polls, shipping

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Comments 22

leaveout March 6 2009, 19:29:43 UTC
It's not going to happen. There's just no way. I think the best we can hope for is a very ambiguous ending between them where we are free to interpret it as them being together but everyone else is free to interpret it as just a moment between best friends.

If not that, than (as someone already perfectly said) they'll be alone together. I think that's most likely.

If not either of those, than I could see Wilson ending up with someone, but House staying single.

Either way, I hope the last shot is just like the first shot, the two of them walking down the hall together.


severus_falter March 6 2009, 21:08:27 UTC
To your last statement: ME TOO! *glomps* That's seriously the only conceivable way of ending it right. I mean... unless it ended with them walking down the aisle together. Oh... oh no wait. That's still kinda what you said. *g* ;)

Hey... speaking of: Does anyone have an icon of that from the pilot??


severus_falter March 6 2009, 21:05:46 UTC
This is how I voted:

No- 0% chance of happening: David Shore is a coward/Fox won’t let them. D:

Because seriously, they've missed/passed up a million chances to make it canon. It's not going to happen, unfortunately.


ladynina1 March 6 2009, 23:58:22 UTC
am doubtful it will ever happen but the fangurl in me sees it this way...
it's after some crazy POTW thing and we see House sitting on the couch at his place..he's talking about how brilliant he was to figure it all out at the last possible moment and how bushed he is from doing all that thinking..cut to the kitchen where Wilson is finishing off the last dish in the sink...he smiles that special little Wilson smile...House stands and walks toward the bedroom calling over his shoulder " 'night Wilson"...we see Wilson standing in the doorway and the last thing we hear/see is Wilson saying (in the voice from the jail scene in DNR) " 'night House" as he closes the bedroom door...with him on House's side of the door. Fade to black..thanks so much for watching the series...go buy the dvds...end of series


xel1980 March 7 2009, 00:14:38 UTC
If they become canon I'll start watching again the show... (-_-)


idonmatrix March 7 2009, 00:44:41 UTC
I'm sticking with my original suspicion, which is confirmed by the way House and Wilson first met. 3000 people at a conference. House zeros in on one Dr. James Wilson. House notices and remembers every little detail of that first meeting, down to the return label on the package Wilson had been carrying around. For House, it must have been love at first sight. Then Wilson breaks up with House and House hires a detective to find out if Wilson is till pining for him and how to get him back if he's not. Then there's House's interview of Dr. O'Shay. I don't think you do all that just because you think the person is NOT BORING. I think House got Wilson drunk and there was some kissing and groping until Wilson passed out or started giggling so much House wished he'd pass out.We still don't know where Wilson slept after he peed on House's couch in Safe. I'm thinking he slept in the bed with House and stuff happened or was gonna happen. Then there's that H/W scene where House runs to Wilson's place after his nightmare - Not Cuddy mind you but ( ... )


tombedelalune March 7 2009, 04:58:00 UTC
well done!!
I, personaly douby that anything has happenned between them, but I agree completely that it has been love at first sight for House, and it still is (look at the House looks at Wilson! you have to be blind not to see it). I also think that the o'shay interview was very telling. o'shay said he is not gay, and he would not sleep with House, and House said ok. I think this is exactly what is happenning with Wilson. House is in love with him, needs him, and wants him around. if all-sex is all he can get, that's what he gets. I also remember the thing about a romantic get away, House openly suggesting it, and I don't think it was a joke. I think Wilson is either in denial, or really straight. but I think he knows House is in love and obcessed with him.


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