Two House/Wilson Polls

Mar 06, 2009 09:28

Hey guys! Welcome to the polls! :D
Poll House/Wilson and Canon
Feel free to fangirl and squeal as much as you want. XD This is mostly just for fun, but I’m really curious about what you guys think. :D Expand on what you think as much as you want, say how, say why, say when- whatever! Just have fun with it.

My thoughts:

I, personally, think that House/Wilson becoming canon isn’t likely. I won’t rule it out, but for me to say it’s more likely than any of the other ships… well, not so much. If they were to become canon, I don’t think we’re going to have fanfic-worthy make-outs. It’ll be kisses and nothing more.

pairing: house/wilson, fandom: house, type: polls, shipping

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