Who: Dick, Joker, Tim, Roy, Bones, and Matt Murdock ..Possibly Stephanie Brown
Where: Training room and moving to the Medical Bay
When: afternoon
Summary: Dick's going to take up the Mantle left behind by his mentor..whether he likes it or not.
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Violence...its Joker, you know its going to be graphic
Sometimes you have a choice..Sometimes its thrust upon you )
He frowned down at Dick. "I think we're going to have to get you to Bones before we try to do anything with your eye." There was just too much damage. He didn't know that Bones would,/i> be able to do anything.
"It's okay boy, we're gonna take good care of Dick." She shot a glance at the two dark-haired figures that looked so alike despite having no real relation and then at the apparent Red Arrow... who else had a red costume like that and would be affiliated wit-- ...
"Speedy?" She asked in a disbelieving tone. He was supposed to be a kid! But then again, Tim was supposed to be with his dad and apparently she... she didn't want to think about that. Instead, she looked the dog over intently noticing nothing that needed any major veterinary attention. Dick, on the other hand...
Steph bit her lip. She didn't want to show any 'female weakness' but she was seriously worried. "I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to repay the favour, Dick. I... I'm kind of useless when that freak is concerned. He's a monster."
Roy looked her way as his old moniker was called, eyebrow raised in question but it was soon lowered when she spoke. Knowing that his friend was in good hands, he wandered over to Steph and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"We've all got ghosts kiddo, be it a person or an event, so don't worry about freezing as we've all been there."
It didn't matter what Tim had to say about his eye but he glanced to Steph with a kind look despite his injuries. Spitting blood out from his mouth he glanced back up with the same look"you did good..still scared of two..face..myself"
Steph hugged Bruce to her and patted his back before standing up and putting on her best smile for Roy and Dick. "We better get you to the doctor... everything will be okay."
wouldn't it?
She turned to Roy, "You're stronger, you should help Tim carry him. I'll make sure the coast is clear."
"We've got Dick kiddo and he's gonna be fine, you'll see."
Red Arrow knew the older man wasn't going to be able to see out of that eye any more, but with the make shift bandage stoppig the bleeding from the wound in his nevk he was out of danger of loosing his life as well.
"Dicky's a stubborn git and a fighter, this isn't going to stop him." He tried to reasure her not wanting to say what was on his mind as the red-head walked over to Tim to prepare to move the wounded raven-haired man. "You wouldn't mind picking up my bow and arrow on your way out Sweety?"
" I'll be fine kiddo..I promise" Dick reassured him, though he knew there was no hope in this left eye. Although he had hope in the shape of future medicine, maybe just maybe this could be fixed. No, it was best not to get your hopes up when it came to those things.
Roy lifted the black karate pant clad legs, instictively knowing that Tim would follow his lead with the injured man's upper body, they really had to get him to Bones.
"More scars to impress the ladies, though ya may want to change the story of how you got 'em."
" Bones's going to kill me.." Dick groaned knowing his fatherly old friend was going to give him a good long lecture. Though it was making the man rush with worry..the look in his eyes he got when he saw one of the young capes injured, that made him feel the guilt rise up in his blood peppered chest.
The injured man's younger brothers carried him to the medibay and gently placed him on one of the infimary beds.
"Don't worry about Bones, he's gotta heal ya first before h!e kills ya. Yo, Bones!"
Too good to last, of course. He sat up almost instantly when he heard his name. "Coming!" he mumbled, tossing the cloth aside and deciding to forget his boots a moment. He came around the corner to see.
"Mister Grayson!" he shouted despite himself. "Are you kidding me? Did you go and get yourself hurt again!? Get him over here!" he gestured angrily towards one of the beds.
" Just help..I didn't have my... mask or I'd have been....fine" Dick choked up more blood as he was layed on one of the beds. His now long raven bangs fell back from his good eye but stuck to the blood covered skin of his wound like cling wrap.
The red-head took a few steps back to give Bones the room he needed to work, still hoping that the ruined blue eye could be saved but with the seconds ticking passed if look less and less likely to happen.
"If ya need blood, take mine." The pair had found out they had the same blood type a long time ago, but this time Roy was giving it back.
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