Come On In..

Aug 26, 2009 10:27

Who: The Queen, OPEN
Where: The heart of The Shadowlands, in her palace.
When: Sometime after the Jonathan Crane plot, at the point where most of the Northernmost "continent" above where the Shadowlands was orginally phased has become her territory.
Summary: Since so much territory is now under control and since her previous council were of no aid to her being only partially phased in and then executed... She now needs a new council and some new Commanders of her ever expounding armies.
Warnings: Maybe some language, a good deal of evil and malicious intent. Xp

The Queen has finally come into control of so much and so many. The people, she found, who had no idea that they were anywhere but "home" has been easy enough to control after she sent her bats out, taking over their minds and their bodies, enslaving them to her will. They waited, frozen, sleeping if you will, in a room she reserved especially for them: her her new army.  her old army was still with her, but with the continued transformation of the cities around the Shadowlands and almost the entire "continent" north of her kingdom she realized that now was the time to reform a new council and to find herself a select group of intelligent beings to be bought and payed for, to become her loyal guard, their specific tasks to off her protection, giving their lives for her. Of course there would be payment. The council was just as important. They would be a select group of individuals with vital information about this place that she could not gather on her own. Information that would allow internal access to important places enabling her to take over everything. Let nothing stop her.

With this idea in mind she had sent her spiders to post up "Wanted" posters indicating the positions for Council and Bodyguards/Bounty Hunters. Including the payments for each postioin. As many rubies as you can carry and then set installments once a task has been completed. She was sure this would catch someone's attention. Surely this diverse world was not filled to the brim with those that claimed to be "pure hearted" concerning the ways of the light.

She smiled to herself, having faith in her abilities to attract just the right people for what she needed. Her beauty and her charm, when called upon, did not wound her efforts either.

And so she waited patiently in her throne room, high upon her throne, waiting for her audience.

the joker, the queen of shadows, harth fray, jonathan crane, jeremie belpois

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