Reason Has No Relevence, Supernatural, NC-17 Part Five

Jul 01, 2009 00:00

Fic title: Reason Has No Relevance-Part Five( Index)
Author name: phantisma
Artist name: raggedy_edge
Genre: SPN Wincest
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/Jess, Sam/OMC, Dean/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~26,000
Warnings/Spoilers: Dub-Con first time Wincest, Dub-con between Sam and an OMC, dub-con/non-con Dean/OMC, brainwashing, het sex, group sex

Summary: Everyone knows Dean can't help himself when it comes to touching things he really shouldn't, and that one day it may get him into trouble. When he touches an African mating idol and throws it to Sam to keep from getting caught, they're both caught in a need for one another that neither of them expects or wants. Sam tries to outrun it, but his running only lands him inside a cult that preys on sex and sexual deviance. When Dean finally finds him, Sam sets his sights on bringing Dean inside with him.

Everything was fuzzy in his brain as he rolled over, and nearly off the bed. "The fuck?" His hands landed on either side of him, defining the space. This was no motel bed. It was too small, little more than a cot. His brain scrambled to remember where he was.

It got as far as Sam and sex and stopped. His heart thundered as he sat up, remembering Sam under the stars, kisses and touches and--no. Not Sam. It was all sort of jumbled, and if he tried too hard it all slipped away into the dark.

It was someone who…looked like Sam, was helping him…but Dean couldn't remember what he was helping with, exactly. The room was small, dark. No windows, one door. Dean was naked, but there were neatly folded white clothes on the table by the bed.

Sam had called him and he…Dean frowned, the memory slipping away. He shook his head. San Francisco. That's where he was. He remembered driving into San Francisco.

Dean stood, stretching. There was a small light on the table and he turned it on, looking around the room. There was something familiar about it, like he'd seen it before. He dressed in the gauzy white pants, pulling them on with a sense of déjà vu.

He crossed to the door, half expecting to find it locked, half surprised when it wasn't. He looked up and down a long hall dotted with doors just like this one, then retreated back into the room. He needed to figure out what was going on, figure out what he should do.

He reached for the shirt on the little table, but stopped when there was a knock on the door. Dean eased the door open, gaping at Sam.

Sam. He blinked as Sam frowned at him. "Brought you breakfast, figured you'd be starving."

Dean stepped aside as Sam shouldered past him with a tray of food. "You okay?" Sam asked, setting the tray on the bed. "You look spooked."

He frowned and scrubbed a hand through his hair. "Yeah. Fine. Confused. A little disoriented. I--you--"

Sam laughed and clapped a mammoth hand on Dean's shoulder. "Ah, yeah…I forgot. Morning after can be rough. I was out of sorts for almost two days. Daniel is…something."

"Daniel…" Dean vaguely recalled someone called Daniel…and he'd looked like Sam, told Dean he was beautiful. He shook his head. "You…damn Sam." He yanked his brother into a hug. "I missed you."

Sam's hands slid up his sides, cupped his face. Sam's lips brushed his. "Missed you too, Dean." He was gone just as fast, leaving Dean's lips warm, his heart thumping as Sam sat on the bed. "Here, coffee." He handed up the covered cup, grinning as Dean took it. "I know how you are about it."

Dean opened the cup and inhaled the rich scent. The first swallow was amazing, the taste filling him with a warm feeling. Sam uncovered a plate filled with French toast and a cup of syrup for dipping. Dean's stomach rumbled, as if the smell of food was the catalyst it needed to tell him it was hungry. Dean perched on the end of the bed and picked up a piece of the French toast, folding it in half to dip in the syrup.

"So…how are you feeling?" Sam asked after a few minutes of silent eating had Dean somewhat sated and leaning back against the wall.

He hadn't really thought too much about it, but he let himself take inventory, vaguely surprised at the ache in his ass. Less surprising was the fact that he was incredibly horny and still a little confused. Sam was smiling at him, this dopey smile that was wrong somehow…and yet…Dean smiled back, his face warming.

Sam leaned forward, his finger brushing along Dean's lip before sliding it into his own mouth. "Syrup."

Dean could feel himself nodding, leaning. He wanted to taste the syrup, taste Sam. He licked his lips as Sam licked his and Dean wasn't sure which one of them moved, but suddenly they were kissing, tongues sliding together.

A little voice in the back of his head was telling him that this was wrong, but he was having trouble figuring out why. Sam sucked on his lower lip and sat back, dopey smile in place. "I'm glad you're here."

"Me too." And he was, even if he wasn't sure exactly where here was, or how he got here.

Sam stood and picked up the shirt that was on the small table. "You should put this on. Daniel said I should give you the tour, and bring you to him when you're ready for your next session with him."

"Session…" That sounded ominous, but Dean took the shirt and shrugged it on, frowning at his bare arms that stuck out of the sleeveless tunic. "Are you serious?"

Sam chuckled. "It's temporary. Come on."

There was a niggling thought that something about this just wasn't right, but Sam was already in the hallway and Dean scrambled to keep up. "These are dorms, mostly for people like you, new here. You'll meet them later, right now they're all at breakfast."

Dean frowned a little. "Why did we eat alone?"

Sam smiled at him. "I wanted some time alone with you." He shrugged as they started up a flight of stairs. "I've got a little pull, you get special treatment. Daniel wants to get you up to speed as quickly as we can."

That should bother him too, Dean's fairly sure, but he couldn't place why exactly. Sam stopped and pointed down a long hallway. "More dorms, my room’s down that way. Daniel's suite is at the end of the hall. I'll bring you there later. This is where the Daniel's Alphas room."


Sam nodded. "I forget you didn't take the primer class, so yeah…the alphas are Daniel's assistants. We run classes, handle problems, stuff like that."

Sam was already moving, up another flight of stairs. "This is where we do classes, which you'll probably start tomorrow." They stopped outside one of the rooms, letting Dean watch through the window as the women inside went through something that looked like yoga, only naked.

"I like these classes." Dean grinned.

Sam took his hand and tugged him along down the hall, not letting go. Dean thought it odd, to be holding hands, but he didn't pull away either. "We don't all live here, and most everyone has lives outside of here. A lot of people here are students. Outside of here you can spot us by this." Sam turned and pointed to a blue stone on a leather cord around his wrist. "Some wear it around their neck. You'll learn what the colors mean later. Blue means an Alpha though. Daniel will give you one when you're ready."

The next few things Sam showed him are all a bit of a blur, mundane things like dining rooms and kitchen and a rec room with a pool table that's seen better days. Then they were in a long hall with alcoves around the edges, not really rooms, but each decorated in its own color, each built for comfort and luxury, and quite clearly, fucking. Several of them were occupied.

"Every fantasy, Dean. Anything." Sam's hand in his tugged him through the hall and into the next that resembled something like an emergency room, each alcove set up with medical equipment and curtains. The next would put most BDSM clubs to shame. There were more things than he could follow, his head swimming as they emerged into a half familiar hall.

"It's a lot to take in, I know…but I'm going to be here. I'm going to help you."

They stopped again outside another room. "This is where things get sticky." Sam said, grinning. "Don't interrupt." He led Dean in through a curtained doorway into a warm room. The walls were curtained, the carpet plush and filled with couples kissing.

Naked couples kissing. There were maybe ten people all together. All making out like horny teenagers.

Sam's hand in his was hot. The couple nearest them was a gorgeous blond woman and a man that looked like a linebacker. She moaned into his mouth, apparently oblivious to the rest of the room.

A bell rang and the entire room moved, shifted, changed partners, and fell back to making out. Linebacker guy lay back as a tall, skinny guy with braces kissed him. Sam pulled on his hand and led him through a series of curtains out into another room where writhing couples were doing far more than kissing. Moans and groans and the rhythmic sounds of flesh hitting flesh rose with the scent of sex and sweat. Dean's body thrummed with the energy, the desire.

"Feel that?" Sam asked softly, his eyes tracking to Dean's crotch. Dean felt himself harden. "It gets better." The next room was a group of four writhing together.

Sam led him out, into a private corridor and pressed him against the wall, his hand on Dean's cock, his mouth covering Dean's. Sam's tongue slid into him, hot and demanding and Dean felt light headed as Sam stroked him almost to the point of coming in his pants, then pulled away.

"Sorry…all that energy…it gets me going." Sam said breathlessly. "Come on, there's more."

"More?" Dean's voice was little more than a squeak.

"Those are Power rooms, dedicated, set aside. It takes a lot of training before you're ready for that. Stamina…the ability to hold an erection even after orgasm. You'll get there, but…I just wanted you to see…"

Dean pulled on Sam's hand, stopping them, dragging Sam back in, needing to taste him. "Just…kiss me." Dean whispered when Sam seemed to hesitate. "I need you."

Sam's lips smiled against his, then Sam was opening his mouth, taking Dean's like it belonged to him, rubbing their bodies together. Dean could feel Sam's cock against his thigh, heavy, hard. He panted as Sam pulled away again. "Can't…want to…but…I have…and you need…" Sam shook his head and smiled. "God I'm glad you're here."

He looked up and around them, seeming to get his bearings. "I should take you to Daniel."

Sam's lips were swollen and red and Dean wanted them. Wanted them desperately. That was…Dean stopped, cocking his head, rubbing a finger over his lips. He shouldn't kiss Sam. Sam was his brother and brothers don't kiss.

"Dean?" Sam turned to look at him quizzically. "What's wrong?"

"What's going on here, Sam. What….what are we doing?"

"I'm taking you to Daniel." Sam came back, his bulk seeming to cut Dean off from anything and everything as he crowded Dean into the wall. The scent of him was overwhelming. Dean wanted to lick him.

"No." Dean shook his head, fists digging into his hips. The pain helped him focus. He remembered Sam calling him, Sam tricking him. "You…we need to go."

Sam's hand was on his shoulder, shoving him into the wall. "You need to be here, Dean. You need help. We're helping you."

Dean shook his head again and tried to push Sam off him. "No. Sam, this is wrong. Wrong. We need to go. Let me help you."

Sam's kiss was hard and Dean's head cracked against the wall trying to escape it. "Don't make it harder Dean."

"He's a strong one, Sam," another voice said beside them. Dean turned to the man…familiar…but no one he could place. "Do you remember me Dean?" His smile was soft. "You asked me to help you. You came here because you wanted help with your sexual issues. You said you wanted to know how to love freely."

"Doesn't sound like me." Dean said through clenched teeth, pushing harder at his brother.

"Dean, please." Sam's voice was pleading, but somehow it didn't match the hardness in his eyes. He was pushing Dean, holding him, except, his hands were not actually touching him.

"Christo." Dean murmured, half expecting Sam to react, but it was the other man who did, his eyes flashing yellow as he grinned.

"Almost as strong as you, Sam. Let's get him up to my room; we'll start by getting him calmed down. Can you knock him out?"

Sam's smile was the last thing Dean saw before darkness fell over him and no matter how he fought to stay awake, he slumped down the wall and into the dark.

He couldn't move. Not that he'd actually tried, he just knew somehow that he couldn't. His body was flushed with heat and need and want, his cock full and hard between his thighs.

He could feel the other person in the room, knew what was going to happen. The hand closed around his cock and stroked him. A voice whispered in his head, telling him he was beautiful, that he was loved, that sex was a gift, sex was power.

Dean squirmed against it, against the voice and the hand, because he knew on some level he should.

"Don't fight, Dean." That voice was more familiar. Sam. "Let go, let us help you. Let us make it better." Not Sam. He couldn't piece it together.

He wanted to shout at Sam, but couldn't remember why, not with his dick so ready to come, not with the heat and the need and the goddamn hand leaving him just shy of orgasm. There was something in his head about a demon, but Sam wasn't a demon.


The hand came back, rubbing over his ass, up to his hole. He knew what they wanted. He had to ask. He had to let them fuck him if he wanted to come. Eventually they would anyway, and he'd come because they wanted him to…he'd done this before. How many times now? He couldn't remember. The hand was still on him, finger resting against his hole. Sam's hand was on his head.

"I love you Dean. I want to be with you. Let me be with you."

"Sammy, please…" Not Sammy. He shook his head, but it didn't clear, he wanted this, wanted Sam, wanted to be loved, to be held, touched.

The hand on his ass slipped away and Sam's glided down off his head, over his sweaty back, down to his ass. There was the slick-cool touch of lube and Sam's finger inside him. "May I Dean? May I love you?" His finger found Dean's prostate, rubbing in tiny circles over it until Dean realized that mewling whimper he heard was himself.

"Tell me Dean…tell me why you fight this?"

Memory bubbled up inside him. Coach and the desk and the pain and the humiliation. Dean's fingers clenched tight and he tried not to, didn't want Sam to know that, but even as the fear rose up in his stomach, he pressed back onto Sam's hand.

"Tell me Dean, and it'll be over." Sam's lips traced over his spine and Dean shuddered.

"Sammy…he…it hurt so much, Sam." Dean gasped and bit down on his lip. He hated saying it, admitting how weak he was…couldn't stop it, couldn't fix it…

"What did he do?" Sam asked, his breath warm on Dean's skin.

"No…" Dean clenched up, his whole body tensing. He'd never spoken it out loud. No one knew. No one. His secret. His guilt. Never tell.

Sam's tongue slide down through his fingers, working away the sting and burn in Dean's ass. "Tell me Dean, how did he hurt you?"

"Couldn't stop him, Sammy." Dean's voice was ravaged, hoarse and creaking as the image played out over and over inside his brain; those hands shoving, pushing, holding…his cock inside Dean, his voice so calm even as he threatened to hurt Sam.

Pressure on his prostate nearly dumped Dean over the edge, raggedly gasping in air. "Say it Dean. Say the word."

"Please, Sam…Please…" Dean could feel the word in his mouth, like it was a physical thing, sitting there, waiting for him to spit it out. "R-r-rape, Sam. He…he…raped me." In his mind he could feel it, the shame as Coach just dropped him like he was worthless.

"Sammy…please Sammy…need you…" His voice broke and Sam's fingers pulled back, his cock thick and heavy as it pressed in.

"Love you Dean." Sam murmured as he thrust in and Dean shoved the bad memories away, the feeling of that first cock all those years before, the fear, the anger…but somehow the memories wouldn't leave, like he was being forced to remember…then slowly the coach wasn't the coach. The coach was Sam…Sam was fucking him over the desk, and the hand holding his neck eased up, slid down. "That's it Dean. Let it go." Sam murmured.

The heavy weight that had been keeping him from moving lifted. The hand was back on Dean's cock and he was coming, yelling, screaming as Sam slammed into him and filled his ass with come. Sam's hand petted over him. "Better Dean. Better. Sleep now."

"I love you, Sam." He looked up, smiling a little as the blush crept up his neck and into his face.

"Yeah, I love you too, Dean." Sam laughed and damn but he looked happy. He sat at the small table in the room, gesturing at the food laid out for them. "You eating today?"

Dean stretched and got off the bed, achy, but in a good way. "Starving." He sat down and picked up the fork, diving into a plate of home fried potatoes and eggs and sausage that tasted incredible.

"How are you feeling today?" Sam asked, sipping on his coffee.

"Better." Dean said, nodding. "Daniel says I'm almost ready to move up to the dorms."

Sam nodded. "He told me. I'm happy."

"Me too Sam. I am so happy." He smiled and blushed a little harder when Sam took his hand. "I've never felt so…free."

Sam pressed a kiss to his palm. "I told you Dean. I knew you belonged here. With me." Dean pulled his hand back, bringing Sam's with it and kissing his palm as well.

There were parts of him that still sounded out warnings, vague thoughts about their father, about Sam not being Sam, but they were easier to forget now, especially when Sam's foot was in his groin, massaging over his cock. Everyday for a while now began this way, breakfast and conversation, Sam's touch working him to a heightened state of arousal that was never satisfied…not with Sam.

They would come for him after Sam left, sometimes men, sometimes women, sometimes both. He would be immobile at first, subjected to their whim, to their touch, to the words they whispered to him and only when his resistance faded, when he gave in to the love they offered, to the physical and emotional stimulus, only then was he free.

The sex that followed never failed to blow his mind, and leave him a quivering, sweaty mass of naked, sated bliss when it was done. It was still Sam though that he wanted most of all.

"Soon Dean, I promise." Sam said softly, his long fingers petting over Dean's. "I should go, I have duties to attend, young, beautiful people to have sex with." He let go of Dean's hand and stood. "I'll come for dinner, okay?"

"I'd like that." Dean stood too, letting Sam pull him in, melting against the tall, solid presence of his brother and breathing in his scent. It never failed to arouse him.

Sam chuckled and kissed him, soft lips covering Dean's, but he was gone before it could become more. Dean paced the small space of the room, but he didn't have long to wait, there was a knock and then the door was opening to reveal the warm smile of the leggy blonde that had come to be one of his favorite of the alphas responsible for his transformation. "You ready, Dean?"

"For you, always, Jess." There was a vague sort of memory that Jess was somehow responsible for Sam coming to this place, but it faded under her smile as she held out a hand for him. She led him down the hall into the room where they worked, only instead of there being just one or two of them, the room was full. All twelve alphas, including Sam were there and so was Daniel.

"What is this?" Dean asked a little breathlessly after they'd all come to greet him, sloppy, open mouth kisses rocking him a little. Sam's smile was brilliant. Hands were stripping him and he stood there letting them, not sure what was going on.

"Graduation Dean." Daniel said finally once Dean was naked. "Welcome to the family." His arms slid around Dean's waist, his mouth kissing Dean insistently. There was a brief resistance, a need to hold back, but it melted and Dean abandoned himself into the heat of the embrace.

Daniel led him to the bed in the center of the room. Daniel crawled up on the bed, sitting back against the headboard as he drew Dean to him. Dean kissed over his skin, up to his mouth and let Daniel turn him, pull him back so they were back to chest and Dean was looking at the others who had gathered around the bed.

"You held on to your pain for a long time, Dean and used it as a weapon and a shield to keep love away, and it has taken us a long time to penetrate that pain, and show you what real love and intimacy can do for you, how it can heal you. You fought us, clinging to the pain that you knew and understood to avoid the pain that might come from the new…and yet, this morning, you broke the final barrier yourself." Daniel held up a leather band with its white stone. "And in telling Sam that you loved him spontaneously and without pretense, you took the last step into our circle, you became our brother, our lover."

Dean let Daniel put the leather on his wrist, holding it up to admire. White, a christening of sorts, marking him as new, reborn. "I love you." Daniel's kiss was a little awkward with the angle, but lacked nothing in passion.

Dean smiled softly and nodded. "And I love you."

One by one, the alphas came, kissing him, touching him, professing their love to him and he responded until there was only Sam. Sam, who was looking at Dean like he might eat him whole, who was crawling up onto the bed, kissing, licking, nipping at bare skin, up his legs, over his hips.

His hands guided Dean's knees up and out, spreading him open, and leaning him into Daniel. His tongue swirled over Dean's already hard cock, lavishing attention on each tiny inch of skin, lips closing as he hummed and sucked and Dean was bucking up, his ass lifting, letting Daniel's position itself at his hole.

Sam lifted his face, kissing Dean deeply, his own ass poised now over Dean's hard cock, one hand holding it in place. Sam sank down onto him and Dean sank down onto Daniel as if it was all one motion, the three of them tied at the core.

Dean panted through his initial rush, fought against the immediate orgasm as Sam lifted them both up, sliding off him to repeat the slow sinking. "Open your eyes Dean."

He blinked, not really remembering closing his eyes. Sam's hand was on his chest, fingers splayed out, holding him there as he moved slow and easy up and down Dean's cock. "I love you so much Dean. I've waited so long for this, for you to be here with me, us."

Sam's free hand cupped his chin, his thumb tracing over Dean's face. It came away wet and Dean's breath hiccupped as he realized he was crying. His heart was going to burst, it felt so good, so fucking good and before he could stop himself, he was coming, his body bucking between them as his ass clenched and pulled Daniel along and Sam's cock exploded come all over Dean's chest and face.

For a moment no one moved, then the remaining alphas fell on them, licking and sucking and kissing until the come and sweat were gone and all three of them spit-polished. Daniel was laughing as he got up off the bed, tossing Dean his clothes. The room emptied out until it was just Sam and Dean getting dressed.

"You know he's a demon, right?" Dean asked, though there was no malice in the question.

Sam nodded. "I know. Does it matter?"

Dean took his hand and kissed it. "No. I don't think it does."

Sam's smile was all the reward Dean needed. Everything was right. He was where he belonged, with Sam. "So what now?"

Sam stood. "Well, I have a class to get to. School started yesterday. You…get to do whatever makes you happy." Sam's arms circled his waist and his lips kissed over his upturned face. "Whoever makes you happy…wherever makes you happy."

"We still on for dinner?" Dean asked as they headed for the door.

"Oh yeah, and after, I'm going to fuck you until neither one of us can move." Sam said, waving as he headed upstairs, leaving Dean to ponder how to spend his first new day free of his old self.

End Notes: I realize that for many of you, this ending is less than satisfying. It should please you to know that there will be a sequel. At some the future. I have a bunch of stuff to finish up first, but know that I have no plans to abandon the poor boys like this.

fandom: supernatural, bigbang, character: dean, character: sam

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