Reason Has No Relevence, Supernatural, NC-17 Index Post

Jul 01, 2009 00:00

*2009 Big Bang written for spn_j2_bigbang*

Fic title: Reason Has No Relevance
Author name: phantisma
Artist name: raggedy_edge
Genre: SPN Wincest
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/Jess, Sam/OMC, Dean/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~26,000
Warnings/Spoilers: Dub-Con first time Wincest, Dub-con between Sam and an OMC, dub-con/non-con Dean/OMC, brainwashing, het sex, group sex

Summary: Everyone knows Dean can't help himself when it comes to touching things he really shouldn't, and that one day it may get him into trouble. When he touches an African mating idol and throws it to Sam to keep from getting caught, they're both caught in a need for one another that neither of them expects or wants. Sam tries to outrun it, but his running only lands him inside a cult that preys on sex and sexual deviance. When Dean finally finds him, Sam sets his sights on bringing Dean inside with him.

Acknowledgments: Many thanks to my primary beta, nighean_isis and my hand-holder, cheerleader and all around Push-to-get-it-done person varkelton. Also, to the bestest artist in the whole wide world, raggedy_edge who I adore!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

Master Art Post:

reason has no relevance, bigbang, spn

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