would you be surprised by another list?

Jul 01, 2009 09:47

1. Work is bad today. I can't pay someone because she was never appointed to work in the first place, which is my boss's fault, but of course Boss is out sick because she had surgery last Friday, so I'm screwed. I hope this girl doesn't REALLY need her $75, because she totally isn't getting it ( Read more... )

it's britney bitch, politics, work

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Comments 30

pricelessone July 1 2009, 15:38:00 UTC
9. Adam continues to delight me. I wish I could go to the tour. *sadface* Notice that we haven't heard from HiFi at all this week? I WONDER WHY.

Adam always delights me. :) And I'm not going to tour because to go for only Adam, Kris and Allison, means I have to suffer through the likes of Gokey, Sarver, Lil, etc. Just not worth it...

10. SYTYCD tonight. It better not suck again.

This season is so lame! They're totally catering the dancers they like, and the dancers still can't put a dance across convincingly. It's been, like, three weeks, and I remember one dance. Nothing can beat the lameness of S4 (I'm still in denial that season ever happened) but this one is darn close...)


phaballa July 1 2009, 16:26:59 UTC
I'm not going to the tour because their only Texas date is also the day I'm flying to Chicago. BOOO. I would sit through everyone else to get what--3 songs from Allison, Slow Ride, 5 songs from Adam and 5 songs from Kris. That's like 65% of the show, right there. I would totally go! But it's impossible. BAH.

SYTYCD is soooo disappointing this year. What was S4? Was that last season? Because I LOVED last season. Well, I loved Joshua and Katie and Will and Mark and Chelsea. I need Tabitha and Napolean to choreograph something awesome. I need Mia Michaels to do more. I need Shane Sparks to go back to ABDC because he is clearly not good at choreographing couples.

I dunno... I have a lot of issues with SYTYCD and the entire way it's set up. Even moreso than Idol, the producer manipulations are crazy and obvious, because the dancers don't have a choice about anything at all. And I hate the enforced hetero-normativity. I only watch because I love dance so much. But I am nearly ready to give up on this season. It just


pricelessone July 2 2009, 13:33:35 UTC
Word. And yes, S4 was last year. Last season was made of lameness for me. Katee consistently picked her own style or Broadway. Joshua got praised for absolutely everything he did. Will was amazing but had no magic for me. I'll go with you on Mark though, and Chelsie was entertaining. NappyTabs are interesting, but still dont have me 100% on board yet. Shane has choreographed some brilliant stuff in the earlier seasons, so I don't get why hes not doing it now.

Did you know they only had two styles in the hat this week? One was their own and the other was completely outside their style. So lame! Where is the challenge?

I miss weeks when both dancers were outside their style and they both killed it. (S2 & S3!)

Also...am I the only one that LOVED the strange Jason and Caitlin alien routine?


phaballa July 2 2009, 13:40:41 UTC
I loved the alien routine! I didn't love her costume, but yes. Loved the routine.

I haaaate producer manipulations. Honestly, even though it might give less variety, I think it would be a lot more fair if everyone danced the same styles each week. Even if one week was latin ballroom, one week was standard, one week was jazz/modern, one week was hip hop, and so on. It's just unfair as fuck when couples get saddled with styles everyone hates or else a shitty routine.

I think this is why I prefer ABDC. At least they choreograph their own routines, so it's entirely up to them how good or bad they are. I hate the bottom two elimination thing, but then again, I like not having to sit through a pointless results show.


arjumand July 1 2009, 18:17:52 UTC
Hello there: sorry to butt in like this, you don't know me, and I found your journal through idly surfing things about Adam Lambert (at least we have a shared obsession interest!)

It's just that you mentioned Radar and the disappointing video - I was never into Britney until last week when I found the most amazing Adam fanvid set to this song, and since then I can't stop humming the damn thing.

The vid is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_20D5nNOLo (can't be embedded, not that I'd do that on your journal).
Seriously watch it: it is technically amazing, and possibly inadvertently, is the best illustration of the female gaze as applied to an attractive guy I have ever seen.

Sorry for the intrusion, but I think you'll love the video!


call_me_loca July 1 2009, 18:32:52 UTC
DUDE that was awesome.....

phaballa you neeeeeed to seeeeeeeeeeee this....


phaballa July 1 2009, 18:54:20 UTC
I WATCHED IT OMGOMG. It was soooo great!! I wish I had some pull with bubbleforest, because I would kill for her to make an Adam video to like, Toy Soldier or something.


call_me_loca July 1 2009, 19:20:28 UTC

I clicked some other vids that person made, there's one done to sexyback as well (the missy remix)


quiet000001 July 1 2009, 18:40:07 UTC
i think "depictions of mental illness" is probably acceptable. You could put something more detailed behind a cut or something if you're worried that's not specific enough.


phaballa July 1 2009, 18:47:50 UTC
Yeah... I have to go back and actually remember what I've written. There are some things where I think a non-specific warning like that would be okay, but then I can't remember if I've written fics about Justin being OCD, which is an entirely different bag of worms than say, JC being depressed. I don't write violence or rape or non-con, so at least there's that. But I do write about casual, recreational drug use, and some people are really triggered by that. I will need to comb through my fic carefully.

(I'm not complaining. I'm a little frustrated with myself, that I didn't think warning for those sorts of things was important in the first place :/ )


zelda_zee July 1 2009, 19:24:27 UTC
I used 'mental health issues' on my fic. I think you could also say just what you did in your post: 'contain depictions of mental illness'.

Thank god that stupid MN senate debate is over! I'm so glad the dems have their majority, though of course that really doesn't mean much - Carter had it too and it didn't do him a lot of good.

I'm being patient on DOMA and DADT. I do believe they'll be repealed. Its only been a few months and it's hard to wait after all so long, but I'm still willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt on this. I was pleased that he & Michelle hosted a first-ever event for Pride at the White House - only symbolic, I know, but I do think he intends to change things.

I love This American Life. I missed that one though.


phaballa July 1 2009, 19:30:25 UTC
I'm trying to be patient on DOMA and DADT as well. I know that logistically, it's a better and more permanent move to try to force Congress to legislate the repeals, and that if he issues executive orders to, say, stop the discharges of gay military personnel, that will give Congress waaaaay too much breathing room on the issue--they will have to impetuous to initiate a legislative solution because the problem will be band-aided.

So I get it. It's just hard to wait. We've been waiting so long already. BAH.

This American Life was great this week. The podcast is still up and still free--I highly recommend it!


wutendeskind July 1 2009, 21:35:16 UTC
I don't think the Obama administration is going to take any action regarding DADT and DOMA until after midterm elections. He's first and foremost a politician and I think he wouldn't risk losing Congress. It happened under Clinton, and we all know nothing gets done.

I watched a documentary called Standard Operating Procedure about Abu Ghraib for a class I had during the fall and almost everyone involved was in it (including Lindy England and the supreme asshole she was in love with). It was really interesting, because most of it wasn't "torture," but "standard operating procedure." Vaguely terrifying, definitely eye-opening.


phaballa July 1 2009, 22:28:33 UTC
OH YES! The interview the story they did on Lindy was actually during the same sessions for creating that documentary. I want to see it. It sounds really interesting. I have to admit, I feel kind of sorry for Lindy. She just seems like a not very intelligent person who made some bad decisions and let herself take a lot of blame.

I hope you're wrong about DADT... but I think Obama really wants a legislative solution and doesn't want to lessen the need for or urgency of one by issuing an executive order that would basically just be a band-aide solution until the next President overturned it. Legislation is much harder to undo... but you might be right about midterms more from congess's perspective than from the Administration's. We'll see how congress enjoys gay donors boycotting their campaigns...


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