Fic: Now That's What I Call A Motherfucking Oedipal Complex! | popslash | adult

Mar 31, 2008 09:27

Now That's What I Call A Motherfucking Oedipal Complex!

Fandom: popslash
Pairings: JOSHLYNN, JuC, and some Lynncesty vibes
Rating: Adult
Comments: Written for word2urmomma. This fic is dedicated to three very special people. First, to MsG, who doesn't know me, but who wrote one of my very favorite fics and the first JOSHLYNN I ever read. Second, to stubbleglitter, who wrote this amazing JOSHLYNN for me for MTYG, and is just generally awesome in all ways. Thirdly, to nopseud, who came up with the idea for this fic long ago and encouraged me with her hilarious and awesome emails. I hope that someday she will write the serious version of this. Because YES.

Warnings: JOSHLYNN. And Lynncesty vibes, with no *actual* Lynncest, but you know. Heavily implied vibing going on.

Disclaimer: No real mothers were fucked in the making of this fic.

Justin doesn't think of himself as a prude or a goody-goody or whatever because he's totally liberated and totally gets the whole alternate sexual choices and things. On MMC, he was the one who had to explain to Britney about how sometimes people like different things and it was okay if she would rather spend seven minutes in Heaven with Christina than him, although if he's being really honest with himself, that was more of a dare and it got him a handjob, so pretty much it worked and he's a genius, even if he does think Britney's sort of a lesbian.

Whatever, she'll figure it out eventually. Because the point is, that Justin is cool with the gays. He's cool enough that he let a maybe lesbian give him a handjob in Ryan's parents' closet during that party that one time, so yeah, he's totally cool with alternate sexualities. Which is why the whole JC episode really shocks him, because he thought he was cool and not a prude and all that, but apparently none of that applies when he finds out his best friend is doing his mom.

It's the shock of the whole thing. One minute, he's one the bus on the way home from school, making plans with Trace to hook up later for some basketball and maybe studying for the social studies test on Friday, and the next he's standing in the kitchen doorway trying not to pass out at the sight of JC. And his mom. JC on his knees. Under his mom's dress, with her beige-colored underwear bunched around her ankles and her legs spread as wide as she can get them. And like, Justin can't say for sure what business JC might have on his knees with his head under his mom's dress, but Justin's pretty sure he's not looking for missing change.

"Oh my god," Justin says, and runs for the bathroom. To vomit. Because yes, he's pretty sure that is what needs to happen at this moment. He hears his mom calling out after him and the low murmur of JC's voice, the rustle of clothing and then Justin's safe in his bathroom with the door shut and locked and his head over the toilet. He breathes deep and hard, trying not to vomit, and violently ignores his dick, which seems to think that really, vomiting is pretty over-rated and instead, Justin should jerk off a lot.

But it's JC. And his mother. In the end, vomiting wins.


Justin tries to hide under his blankets when JC comes in to talk to him, but JC just sighs and sits on the bed and pokes at his shoulder until Justin flips the covers down and gives JC his best glare. It's a really good glare, too. Justin's been practicing it for ages now, because someday he's going to be famous and when that time comes, he'll need a good death glare to use on over-zealous fans. JC flinches and can't meet his eyes, so Justin considers The Glare a resounding success. And then he remembers what he saw in the kitchen and his stomach clenches up like he might vomit some more and his dick twitches like it might be interested in thinking about that again later, when he's alone, but you know, he's fourteen so his dick twitches at the thought of pea soup and new sneakers, too. It doesn't mean anything. Stupid penis.

"I think we should, um, maybe talk about the thing. The-what you saw. Before. Um. You know. In the kitchen?"

"How about we don't ever talk about it and just pretend like nothing ever happened and I didn't catch you and my mom fucking?"

JC flinches again. "We weren't. I mean. It's not like that. We don't. Um."

"Keep going. This is really enlightening, JC."

"Your mom isn't, I mean. She's not cheating, if that's what you think. She'd never-it's not like that. We don’t, you know." He clears his throat and lowers his voice to a whisper. "We don't have sex."

"That wasn't sex? What were you doing down there, JC? She's my mom, you sicko! She's like, old enough to be your mom and it's just wrong! I thought you were my friend. I thought you came here because you're my friend, and instead I find out it's just because you want to do my mom!"

"Shh," JC says, looking back at the door. "She's really, she's not that much older than me and you gotta understand, it's not about you, okay? It's just, you know, back on MMC? I would get so homesick and Lynn-I mean, um, your mom. She was just always so nice to me, and she would get lonely too, because you know, she didn't have Paul and like, you probably never thought about it because she's your mom but you know, she's a woman too and they have needs and-"

"Oh my god, shut up!" Justin puts his hands over his ears and glares some more, because the last thing he needs to hear is about how this has been going on for ages and he doesn't care if JC doesn't actually stick his dick in Justin's mom-oh God, he needs to not ever think about that again!-because anything else is just as sick and it's his mom and JC and, urgh. It's gross. He ignores JC staring pointedly at his lap where his dick is making a nice tent in the sheets and says, "So what, you just let her like. Use you? As some sort of sex toy?"

JC coughs. "She's been really good to me, Justin. I can't just say no. And. And I like it? I mean. You know. It's pretty sexy. She's pretty sexy, so. And she's like a second mom to me."

"That's fucking sick, JC. She's like a second mom to you? Who you do sex things to?" Justin's voice breaks horribly as the disturbing image of What He Saw in the Kitchen flashes through his mind again. His dick twitches beneath the blankets and he concentrates on dead puppies instead. Dead puppies crushed to bits on the side of the road with their guts hanging out and-his dick twitches happily. His penis is a twisted fuck, he thinks unhappily, and tries not to cry. "A second mom?" Justin repeats. "A second MOM?"

"Well. I'm adopted," JC says. "So it’s not like an incest thing or something. Now that would be gross."


Justin doesn't think about the whole Thing He Saw in the Kitchen again for almost a year, except for the occasional dream and even then, he convinces himself that the nice-looking lady in her mid-thirties that JC is fucking in his dreams is totally Jodie Foster and looks nothing like his mom. People have tried to assassinate presidents over Jodie Foster, so that totally makes sense. Justin capitalizes on his mom's guilt over the whole Kitchen Incident by convincing her to move back to Orlando so he can join a boyband, only it turns out that JC is going to be in the boyband, too, and he's going to be living in the house with Justin and his mom and Chris and Lance. They're all going to be living together, and the kitchen in the house is really big. Justin can't step foot on the linoleum without getting an erection and feeling like he's going to vomit, so he just avoids the place altogether. Vomiting and/or coming in his pants when he's trying to wash dishes would probably be suspicious and might get him kicked out of the band, so.

And then one morning he gets up earlier than usual because he need to help Lance practice because of how much Lance sucks, still, and they need to be perfect for the upcoming showcase. He gets up earlier than usual and heads to the bigger bathroom upstairs because Chris is getting ready for work in Justin's normal bathroom, and that's when he walks in on JC fingering his mom. Not that Justin can like, see the actual thing occurring in porno-style detail or anything, but JC has his mom bent over the sink and his hand down the back of her pajamas and it's like, moving and Justin can see the little twisting, thrusting motions JC is making.

Neither of them notice him, and Justin shuts the door very quietly and goes to his room. He ends up being late for practice with Lance and Lance gives him this sad look all, "How could sleeping in possibly be more important than keeping me in the group," but what can Justin say? That he was jerking off after watching JC do sex things to his mom? Lance is the biggest momma's boy in the world, but Justin's pretty sure even he wouldn't understand. It's complicated, and Lance is kind of slow. Plus, not all that interested in women, from what Justin can tell.

The whole Bathroom Incident won't leave his mind, though, and Justin feels really weird and horrible about the whole thing. He loves his mom and he loves JC and he doesn't understand why they're doing this to him. It all seems really unfair and wrong and unfair, and Justin just needs to talk about it to someone. Not JC, because he's clearly fucked in the head with his whole not-incest, fucking-Justin's-mom thing, and not Chris because Chris is super cool and Justin doesn't want him knowing that his mom is a big slut. Not Lance, because Lance is gay and repressed and slow and wouldn't understand. So that just leaves Joey.

"Wait," Joey says, staring at Justin with his mouth hanging open and his eyes bugging out of his head. Justin tightens his arms around his knees and stares at his bedspread, which has basketballs on it. Justin really loves basketball. "You're saying that JC. And your mom. For like. Years? JC. And your mom?"

"Yes! And I caught them once in the kitchen back home and I thought, you know, it would stop because it really freaked me out-"

"Yeah, no shit!"

"But they didn't," Justin says miserably. "Because I caught them in the bathroom yesterday."

Joey's eyes widen and he leans forward. "What were they, uh. Doing?" Joey looks a little too interested for Justin's liking. Joey is such a pervert.

"I really don't want to talk about it," Justin says, glaring.

"Uh. Okay um, so what are you gonna do? Isn't your mom like, married and shit?"

"Yeah! But JC says it's not cheating because they don't actually, you know. Do it. And." Justin takes a deep breath. "I think Paul knows. One night at dinner last year, when JC was staying with us? He was all, 'I have to go out of town next week for business. JC, you'll take care of my girl, right?' And then he winked."

"Holy shit. That's fucked up." Joey swallows and clears his throat. "So, uh. You think she'd do me? Because, dude, your mom's kinda hot and if she's already doing JC then-"

"I think you need to leave now," Justin says loudly, glaring even more. He tells himself his desire to be alone has nothing to do with the way his dick is throbbing in his pants at the thought of Joey doing his mom. He just doesn't appreciate it when his friends talk about his mom like she's some sort of sex object. She may be kinda hot, but she's still his mom, Justin thinks angrily, and goes into the bathroom to jerk off.


After the fifth time Justin walks in on JC and his mom doing stuff in various kitchens and bathrooms and showers across two continents, two things happen. First, he develops a severe phobia of tiled rooms with sinks, which makes it really hard for the group to practice harmonies in bathrooms like they usually do because Justin spends the whole time shaking and trying not to come in his pants, so instead he starts refusing to go in at all if JC is there. Chris thinks Justin has some sort of weird crush on JC combined with an even weirder bathroom fetish, and even after Justin tells him loudly several times that "I'm not gay for fucking JC, damnit!" Chris still doesn't believe him, just stares pointedly at Justin's crotch whenever JC goes anywhere near the bathroom and cackles loudly.

The second thing that happens is, Justin's mom decides he needs therapy.

"When we get back to the states," she tells him one night when they're getting ready for bed, "I'm sending you to see that doctor Jane Carter recommended. Nick seemed so much more well-balanced when we saw him last month, don't you think? And Jane said it's all down to this psychiatrist he's been seeing, so I think it'd be a good idea for you, honey."

"Oh, are you gonna screw Nick Carter, too?" Justin gets into bed and pulls the covers up to his chin, hating the way the scratchy hotel sheets feel against his skin but happy they're in a hotel and not on the bus, where he suspects JC sneaks into his mom's bunk when they think everyone else is asleep and. Does stuff. Services her.

His mom just rolls her eyes at him. "Oh, Justin. Nick Carter is just a child, don't be silly."

"He's as old as JC was when. Erm." Justin closes his eyes tight and counts to ten, thinks about dead puppies and other gross things. Dead puppy guts all over his new sneakers, and yay, he's finally found something that kills his stupid penis's stupid erections. He really loves his new sneakers.

Justin's mom settles on the bed next to him, one hip pressed against his as she looks down at him and sighs. She feels warm and nice in that one spot where they're touching and Justin has to think about even grosser things, like the pictures of genital warts Chris showed him last week to prove why condoms are important.

"Justin, sweetie. I know this is hard for you to understand. But sometimes, when two people care about each other very much, they need to be close to each other."

"But you have Paul," Justin says in a small voice.

"Paul can't be with us here, baby, you know that. And your momma has certain lady needs, and JC is like a second son to me. You don't want your momma to be lonely, do you?"

Justin sniffs. He doesn't want his mom to be lonely. But. But it's still wrong, what she's doing with JC. And gross. And it makes him feel-something. Something angry and seething, like jealousy, only not, because being jealous means you want what someone else has and he doesn't. He doesn't.

"I dunno," Justin says finally. "Maybe. I mean. How come I'm not. Like. Enough."

His mom leans down to hug him and Justin lets her, closes his eyes and breathes in her scent and ignores his penis, which is very happy that someone soft and warm is touching him. He's sixteen and everything makes him want to have sex, it totally doesn't mean anything. The cracked, mildew-ridden tiles in the bathroom make him want to have sex. And probably that has nothing to do with walking in on his mom giving JC a blowjob in the last hotel bathroom. Probably.

"I love you more than anything, baby, you know that. But sometimes a woman needs things her son can't give her."

Justin turns his head away and sniffs again. Stupid JC. Justin really sort of hates him. If it weren't for JC, he wouldn't be having this embarrassing talk with his mom and he'd never have thought about his mom ever being sexy in any way because she'd always just be his mom with her big mom purses and her big mom hair and her ugly mom shoes, and he'd never have thought about JC being sexy in any way because he'd always just be dorky old JC with the stupid hair who sleeps all the time and reads actual books that aren't even for school or anything. Fucking JC. Yeah, Justin really hates him.

"Well maybe. Maybe I have needs, too," Justin says loudly, pushing his mom away. "Maybe when we're home I don't need a shrink. Maybe I just need to call up JC's mom because like, apparently that's totally normal and stuff."

Justin's mom frowns at him and crosses her arms over her chest. "Don't be ridiculous, Justin. Karen is much too old for you. But if you want a girlfriend, I'm sure we can find someone. I wonder what little Britney is up to these days."


Justin is sure that the whole thing with JC and his mom will end once they go back to the states for good. He doesn't need his mom on tour anymore so she's going back to Millington and back to Paul, who Justin doesn't ever want to think about satisfying her needs or whatever, but it's way better than JC doing it. Plus, JC gets a girlfriend really soon after they go home and even though Justin thinks that Bobbie is sort of a bitch and not even that pretty, she's also not related to Justin in any way, so Justin approves. He even starts being able to go into bathrooms and kitchens without getting hard, which, his therapist says, is real progress.

Not that he believes a word she says. Jane Carter recommended her. And also, she doesn't think there's anything fucked up about JC fucking his mom, so Justin's pretty sure she's the one who needs to be in therapy, not him.

"So, you really don't see anything wrong with my best friend doing my mom? My married mom?"

The shrink looks at him over her wire frame glasses and gives him a small smile. "They're consenting adults, Justin. I think there's something to be said for being open-minded about other people's lifestyle choices."

"But. It's wrong. He's like. Way younger than her. And he's my friend! He's in my band! And she's my mom! It's just. Wrong!"

"I'm hearing some feelings of jealousy from you. It sounds like maybe you're upset about this not because of the sexual implications involved, but because they've cut you out of their circle."

"I-what? That's. No. Their circle? You make it sound like I want-stuff. Just, NO." Justin gives her the death glare. She stares back impassively. Apparently, death glares don't work on shrinks. She's probably used to them by now, though, seeing as she's completely cracked in the head and all.

"I meant that you seem saddened that their relationship no longer goes through you, but rather around you, because these are two people you love very much and so you might be feeling a bit left out. But you went right for the sexual just now, which makes me think that perhaps there's more to it."

"I am not gay for JC! Jesus Christ, how many times do I have to tell people this?"

She raises her eyebrows at him. "I didn't say you were. But now I'm beginning to think it's true."


So Justin figures out that being back in the states doesn't mean anything to JC and his mom when he opens the connecting door to JC's room one night to ask if JC wants to go out with him and Lance and finds that JC is already pretty busy. Fucking his mom.

At least, Justin's pretty sure they're fucking, because his mom is on top with the sheet pulled up around her shoulders so he can't like, actually see the fucking no matter how much he cranes his neck, but from the way she's moving and the really pleased expression on JC's face, it's pretty obvious.

"What the fuck?" Justin says. "Mom, what the fuck is going on here? We-you-this was supposed to stop and-"

"Not now, baby," his mom says. "Can't you see that momma's busy?"

JC just clutches at the sheets beneath him and moans lewdly. Justin's not even sure JC knows he's there.


Later, JC comes in through the connecting door and sits on the bed opposite Justin, staring at his feet and clearing his throat and picking at his fingernails. Stupid JC. Justin really hates him.

"You lied," Justin says. "You said you didn't do. That. You said, JC. And it's not like I was okay with the other stuff, but you lied."

"I, actually, I didn't? Because when I said that, we weren't, um. You know. That. At least, um. Not in the traditional sense?"

"What the fuck does that mean? Not in the-oh my god. I don't want to know."

JC frowns. "It's, look. It's not like that. I mean sometimes, you know, when two people really care about each other, um. Sometimes you find new ways to be close to each other and if that means, you know. Being inventive and maybe getting pegged, you know, it's an expression of those feelings so it's all totally natural and things."

Justin stares at him. "I don't know what that even means. But I guess it's better than-I thought you were fucking her in the ass."

JC coughs. "Well, um, that too. We take turns, because uh, equality is important in a healthy relationship and anal sex is a perfectly acceptable expression of caring."

Justin stares at him in silence for a long moment. "And my shrink thinks I'm fucked up."


Justin is really excited for his next shrink appointment because he figures that this new information about all the fucked up shit his mom and JC do that Justin has never even heard of before will convince her that Justin isn't the fucked up one at all. Sometimes, he feels like the entire world has gone slightly insane, when he's the only one that thinks his best friend and his mom getting freaky is wrong. Plus the fact that they seem to arrange it so that Justin will catch them in the act, although when he proposes this theory to the shrink, she just looks at him over her reading glasses and says, "Are you sure it's not the other way around?"

"What do you mean? Like-am I trying to catch them going at it on purpose? Why would I want to do that?" Justin says. Inside his jeans, his dick twitches happily in remembrance of the last time he walked in on them. He doesn't think his mom is hot because she's his mom and she gave birth to him and things, which brings up a whole different level of wrongness when he thinks about how JC is going IN the place Justin came out of-but anyway, he doesn't think his mom is hot, but for like, the first ten seconds of shock at seeing them doing that, Justin has to admit that it's kind of, well. Sexy. He's not sixteen anymore and his dick doesn't get hard at the thought of a really good ice cream sundae now, but people having sex right in front of him? Of course that's going to be hot, even if it is his mom. It's only natural, right?

His shrink makes a clucking noise and writes something on her notebook. "That's a good question, Justin. Why would you want to do that?"

Justin feels like maybe throwing something or punching his shrink-his dick twitches again, it obviously approves of that idea-but instead he settles for his death glare. "I wouldn't," he says loudly. "It's their fault this happens! They never even bother to lock the doors! What do they expect to happen when they go around getting freaky with the doors all unlocked? Of course someone's gonna walk in. It's like they want to be caught."

"Do you ever wonder why you go looking?"

"I don’t-for fuck's sake, I don't want to see my mom having sex with JC! It's very traumatizing and, you know, it would be nice if you would like, validate my feelings on the subject or something. You're a terrible shrink!"

"Well, Jane Carter did recommend me," the shrink says with a smile.


"I said, I think that you need to resolve things with JC. There's a lot of tension between you and it seems to be affecting your professional life."

"No shit. If JC were fucking your mom, it'd probably affect your professional life, too."

"My mother died in 1992."

"I think that only proves my point."


"We need to have sex," Justin says the next time he sees JC. They're playing Street Fighter II on the mostly-working but kind of shitty Nintendo 64 one of JC's roommates got from the pawn shop down the block, so probably it's not the best time to make this sort of announcement or whatever, but his shrink said Justin had to resolve things and this was the only thing Justin could think of. On the screen, Justin pulls off a triple combo and KOs JC's character, partly because JC is playing as Sakura again and she sucks, but also because when Justin made his announcement, JC squeaked and dropped his controller behind the couch.

"Seriously though," Justin says, setting his controller down. "We need to have sex. Because my shrink says I need to resolve things with the whole you fucking my mom deal-"

"It's really, um, I don't like to think of it as, you know, that, because it's like, crass or something? And Lynn-I mean, your mom-is a really classy lady so I just think-"

Justin pinches him on the thigh, hard. "Whatever, okay. The whole thing where you make sweet, beautiful, spiritually-satisfying love to my MOTHER? Yeah, I need to resolve that because it's making me crazy. There's this whole bathroom phobia and you know, you guys could fucking lock the door sometimes. Just a hint."

"But how does…? I don't understand why…? You really want to have sex with me?" JC looks at Justin with a very serious expression on his face. "Justin, are you gay? Is that what this whole thing is about? Because if you are, that's totally cool and alternate sexualities are really beautiful, you know? Finding out who you really are is a beautiful thing, like caterpillars and butterflies, or like when you go to Amish country and they do the butter churning thing? Because they're like, taking one thing and making it into something new and delicious and good for baking? It's totally like that and I just, I'm really honored that you'd choose me to help you in your journey of self-discovery, but um. I'm kind of straight?"

Justin just looks at him. "JC, there's no way you're straight. You just compared me to churning butter."

"Huh, well. Hmm. That's true, isn't it?" JC shrugs and unzips his pants. "I guess we have to have sex, then." He looks at Justin. "Or did you want to do it in the bathroom?"


Justin has everything planned out for when he and JC have sex. He rents a hotel room-a really nice one, with no cracked tiles or mildew buildup at all-and makes a trip to the sex shop down the street from Chris's apartment to buy supplies, like lube and condoms and a dildo, because he finally got up the courage to ask Chris about pegging and if that's how JC and his mom do it, well, maybe that's how he should do it to JC, too.

When JC sees the supplies all laid out on the bed, he covers his mouth with his hand and his eyes crinkle up and Justin knows he's laughing, doing that stupid giggle that JC does that goes on and on and makes him sound like a girl, but JC's the one who likes to get fucked by girls (women, his brain supplies, older women, like his mom) so really, the last laugh's on him. Or something. JC reaches out and picks up Justin's favorite purchase from the bed, holds it up with a questioning look on his face.

"Justin. What the fuck is this?"

"It's a lube shooter!" Justin says. "It's, you know. Not to be gross or whatever, but it's for getting lube into asses. Without, um, have to touch the gross parts."

JC snorts. "So like. We're going to have some kind of magic sex where you never have to actually touch me?"

"We don't have to use the dildo," Justin says defensively, although now that he thinks about it, sticking his dick in someone's ass is probably just as bad as sticking his fingers in there. Asses are dirty. Shit comes out of them, so yeah, asses are seriously dirty and full of bacteria and other really really gross things and Justin figures, if you're not allowed to go swimming in lakes with too much fecal bacteria, probably sticking your body parts inside someone's ass where the fecal matter originates is just a really unhygienic idea and maybe the lube shooter isn't even enough so-

"Come here," JC says, and tosses the package aside. "Why don't we just do this my way, and you stop thinking, okay?"

"Is that how you do it with my mom?" Justin says, glaring, but he lets JC pull him down onto the bed and doesn't say anything when JC shoves the supplies aside.

"No," JC says, smiling a little, "but that's how she does it to me. And isn't that, like, what you want anyway?"

"What? No, that's not-" But then JC is kissing him and rubbing his hand over Justin's dick and Justin forgets all about asses and fecal matter and bacteria because JC is a really good kisser, and Justin thinks, maybe this is what his mom sees in JC.

"Next time," JC whispers against Justin's throat, "maybe I'll dress up. I have a pair of Lynn's panties I stole last week and I haven't even washed them yet. I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you?"

"What? No, I don't-" Justin gasps, but then the image of JC wearing a pair of his mother's high-waisted, tummy-flattening tan colored panties flashes through his mind and he comes instantly in his pants, with JC panting against his neck. Ew, Justin thinks. Talk about bacteria.


Back to touring, and Justin still has to call his shrink every other week for a phone session, but since his mom is home in Memphis and not fucking JC in random places where Justin can catch them now, they don't really have that much to talk about. It's nice, Justin thinks. He has a girlfriend and JC has a girlfriend and his mom has a husband who is hopefully taking care of all her lady needs, so Justin can stop worrying and just enjoy the whole being a famous popstar thing for once. It's, yeah, really nice.

Except there's this one thing his shrink keeps saying and before, when he was really worried about the whole JC fucking his mom thing, it didn't ever seem important enough to be concerned with, but now. Now Justin's sort of worried. Maybe a little more than sort of. He's maybe obsessing over it, which is the only reason he even asks Lance in the first place, because it's not like Lance is smart or his opinion matters or anything, but he's the only one who can keep a secret and Justin's going crazy not talking to anyone about it.

"Lance," Justin says one day while they're in the quiet room before a show. "Do you, um. Do you think I have a Bipedal Complex?"

"If by 'bipedal complex' you mean Oedipal Complex, then yes," Lance says.

"I'm pretty sure it's bipedal," Justin says. "The thing about the guy who accidentally killed his dad and married his mom and blinded himself and stuff?"

"Yeah. That guy? Was called Oedipus. Hence, Oedipal Complex. And yes, you have it. You're freakily obsessed with your mom. I tried not to say anything before because I wanted to be respectful or whatever, but since you asked-yeah. And it kind of freaks the rest of us out, just so you know."

"Well. But." Justin frowns at the floor. "I mean, it's JC's fault. If he weren't fucking my mom then this never would've happened."

"Well she's not JC''s mom," Lance says. "So it's not freaky if he wants to do her." Lance stares at him pointedly, like Justin is supposed to magically understand what nuances Lance is trying to get at.

"I don't want to do her! She's my mom, Lance. That's just. Wrong."

Lance raises his eyebrows. "You said it, not me."


A long time passes, a year or more and Justin thinks that he's finally getting better and he's finally over this whole Bipedal thing once and for all, because he hasn't seen JC and his mom together in a really long time, or at least, not in any way that might possibly be considered freaky, so he's finally cured of this complex thing. He's over it, and everything is good and perfect.

And then they do the Ananda Lewis show with their parents, and everything falls apart because Justin walks into the bathroom after the show and finds JC fucking his mom over the sink. The Bipedal thing comes back in full force and Justin wants to do-something. He wants to punch JC in the face, he wants JC to be doing him over the sink, he wants his mom to, well. He's not going to think about it, he's really not going to think about it, so instead he just turns around and slams the door shut behind him.

When Chris finds him a few minutes later, Justin is still shaking a little and trying very hard not to think about what he just saw. "Dude," Chris says, "what's wrong with you? You look like you just saw a-whoa, Justin, kid, you might wanna put that boner away. I thought your bathroom thing was fixed, dude."

"I'm getting a tattoo," Justin announces, standing up straight and ignoring his erection. Stupid penis, doesn't understand the whole thing about how his Bipedal is cured. "A big cherub with wings and my mom's initials, to remind me about how, like, moms are really special and wonderful and they look out for you and want what's best for you and if maybe they sometimes fuck your best friend, it's only because you're not good enough for some things and you should always be working to make yourself perfect for her. And stuff."

"…okay then. I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."


When Justin shows the tattoo to his mom, she smiles and hugs him tight and says, "Oh, baby, it's beautiful."

When Justin shows the tattoo to JC, he pushes Justin down into the mattress and fucks him from behind, shoves Justin's face into the pillows and licks at Justin's mom's initials when he comes. Justin comes, too, just thinking about the tattoo, about JC looking at it and touching it and putting his mouth there. The fucking is nice, JC is pretty good at fucking even if he refuses to use the lube shooter and probably there's a lot of gross bacteria involved, but the tattoo makes everything better, makes Justin forget about the other stuff and just enjoy himself.

Because really, the thing is, a boy has needs. And sometimes, a boy needs his mother.

popslash, rps, joshlynn for the win, fic, going to hell

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