Like being Hit By A Car (5/?)

Nov 15, 2010 14:11


Part 5:

Santana’s POV

Today sucks. I thought, hoped, after Rachel told me she would forgive me, that things would be better. So far everything has been worse. I never thought I would miss being ignored. Rachel made me wait with her for the rest of the glee club. As I predicted they were pissed. My ears are still ringing. The only person not yelling in protest was B. She just stood there quietly and looked down at her feet.

In the end Rachel won. The others had no choice but to listen. After all she is the one that was hit with my car, not them. It doesn’t mean they are going to let things go. I have been pushed to my limit. As much as I want my friends back I am wondering if taking their abuse is really worth it.

I move to the bathroom and to the sinks to splash water on my face. I’m hoping the water cools my temper. I keep thinking over and over why I’m doing this, desperately holding on to some thread of sanity. I need to make things up to Rachel. I hit her with my freaking car. The least I can do is go back to glee like she asked me to. Maybe, if she can forgive me B can to. I have to get B to talk to me again. She is meant to be with me not Quinn. The only way to get her back is to make things up to B.

I’m not paying attention to what’s going on around me. The school is empty so I don’t think twice about pushing up my sleeves so as not to get them wet. I am bent over and splashing water over my face. I don’t realize that someone else has come inside until I hear three gasps.

I turn around and come face to face with a one pair of brown, one pair of hazel and one pair of blue eyes. I feel my heart thudding as I follow the three girls’ gazes. I feel myself freeze as I realize they’re looking at my currently bared and scared arms. I snap out of it quickly before pulling my sleeves back down.

I gather all the bravado I can muster before looking back at Quinn, B and Rachel. “what are you looking at? Don’t you have better things to do? Glee is about to start.” I move to march past them. I feel a slender hand capture my wrist before I can leave. I look to see that B has moved to stop me. I don’t know why, but that pisses me off. I love her I do, but what right does she have to be concerned now. She chose Quinn. She chose to believe the others instead of me.  I try to pull away, but she refuses to let go. I try and glare her down, but she remains unfazed.

“Will you two leave us alone for a second? I think Santana and I have to talk.” Rachel and Quinn can only nod in surprise at the normally ditzy cheerleaders tone. After Quinn and Rachel have left B finally lets me go. After a long silence she finally opens her mouth and says something. “Santana, she looks down at my now covered arms then back to me eyes. “Why?”

A/N: that’s all I am able to right today, sorry homework. Coming next is a big confrontation. You learn something important about why Brittany has been acting as she has.

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