fic: Games People Play

Nov 15, 2010 17:52

Title: Games People Play
Author: slacker_d
Pairing/Characters: Rachel/Santana, OFC, Brittany, Sue, Quinn, OFC, Puck, Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, Artie, Figgins, OFC, OMC
Rating: R
Summary: Santana's trying not to let her jealousy show too much, but Michelle Jamieson is making it very difficult.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: ~5,600
Spoilers: Does Brittany's last name count?
A/N: Okay, so as you can see from the above character list, the amount of original characters in this fic is out of control. I'm not sure how it happened, but I'm blaming helionwolfchild for the suggestion of Jealous!Santana and wanting to see more of the soccer chick. It sparked an idea and here we are. That being said, these are the people I'm picturing for these characters: Michelle Jamieson, Marisa Lawson, Coach Tasha Jordon and Matthew Jamieson
2nd A/N: Follows Keeping Up Appearances. Also, I have absolutely no knowledge of Rachel's latest revealed skill and I simply wrote what I needed for the scene. Apologies to any experts in this field.
3rd A/N: Unbeta’ed, so all mistakes are mine.

Cuffed | Physics and Golf | The Student Becomes the Master | Breaking Into School is Easy to Do | Keeping Up Appearances

"I'd be scared if I was you, Quinn," Brittany says. "Rachel could do stuff to you."

author: slacker_d, fic, rating: r, length: 5000+

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