If you would like to offer crafts (including art other than digital) or other homemade things, please use the textbox at the bottom of this entry to offer your talent.
This auction will close on 03JAN2011 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Bidding Rules
* Bid by commenting to the offering post.
* Bids must include email address.
* Bids must be raised by at least a dollar per bid
* Please do not delete comment containing a bid--if you have an issue, please contact the TPP admin who authored the post.
How to Offer
*Please list a short summary in your subject line.
*Paste the following into the Comment window and fill in the non-optional spaces.
User Name:
Email address:
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can see things I've created at (optional if buying something):
I am offering:
Rating min/max (optional--if applicable):
Additional Info (optional--including ships, squicks, etc., if applicable):
Starting Bid:
For all other questions please visit
The Petulant Poetess Community - Every Flavour Auction FAQ.