Hi everyone! I'm busily "working on my essay and revising for my exams" (read: eating Pringles and surfing the net), but I found this article which I think is really interesting:
Why do lesbians love gay porn? (
In which I have thoughts on the subject )
Comments 22
SAMESAMESAME OMG. I didn't think anyone else felt this way.
I think I don't read much femslash because it falls in that weird space between fantasy and realism for me. I like m/m slash because it lets me exercise my imagination and explore the "male" side of my sexuality by identifying with male characters. (I'll fantasize or dream about female characters, though.) And I like lesbian erotica or original fiction/novels but not male gay erotica.
Maybe I'm just weird. I think we're all wired uniquely, sexually speaking.
Thank you for the link and the thought-provoking post.
TOTALLY agree about the non-genital focus. I've always said that I fall in love with people, not with plumbing.
In the meantime...The Squeeee Odyssey will be in Birmingham by next Tuesday afternoon, on Weds and Thurs and then in London on Friday and Saturday.
If you want to hook up at any point in there, you can PM or email me a number to reach you at.
Please let me know what you think about my ramblings if you get a chance! No pressure though. Ramblings is rambly.
Yep, I got over wanting to be a boy, but thinking about ladies and perving on man-sex is all still good clean fun.
Given that I identify as bisexual myself I do find it troubling that bisexuality is something that's treated with such scepticism, both in the gay and the scientific communities - I think it's quite possible that there is a neurological predisposition to be attracted to a certain sex, but desire is such a complex thing - isn't it possible that emotional/social aspects could override the "wiring" of your brain? I suppose that's a dangerous line of thought because, to follow that argument to its logical conclusion, you could say that homosexuality can be 'overcome', but personally I think that's another kettle of fish. If I'm happy and comfortable being attracted to both sexes, what harm, even if it does go against the "way my brain is wired ( ... )
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