Top Secret

Jul 05, 2007 21:30

Wait, what?

You're telling me, after THIS, House/Wilson still isn't considered canon? That's the stupidest thing I ever heard.

Geyest episode ever, I swear to God. And that's saying something.

ETA: Okay, okay, apart from the Cuddy thing, but meh.

slash, house, house/wilson, gay

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Comments 6

nigeltde July 5 2007, 21:39:49 UTC
Be not so hasty to dole out the GEE tag, Petrichor-san! For nothing is certain until one has experienced the wonder that is House's jealousy a few episodes on.

Although Wilson watching him pee is pretty fucking gay.


petrichor_fizz July 5 2007, 21:53:08 UTC
"That's amazing!"
"No, it isn't.

It's nothing compared to yours!"

There were, what, three very obvious references to how gay for each other they are? Not to mention all the smouldering and couple-y bickering and whatnot that usually goes on.

Although the Cuddy thing kind of upstaged it. Damn.

I am so looking forward to the Bonnie episode.


karaokegal July 5 2007, 23:04:44 UTC
My feeling at the time was GAY (Village People references for crying out loud) but not very SLASHY per se. Not a lot of love there. :(


petrichor_fizz July 5 2007, 23:07:07 UTC
You don't think? I thought it was tense, but there was definitely an undercurrent of something more... romantic is the wrong word, but it's the closest I can find.


karaokegal July 5 2007, 23:16:29 UTC
More of that Wilson loves House stuff, but no love back from House, as continued from Half-Wit, when House DIDN'T take Wilson up on the pizza offer although it doesn't appear he went in and hung out with FCC either.


petrichor_fizz July 5 2007, 23:36:11 UTC
But House is so reticent. He was even with Stacy, until he was sure about how she felt.

I don't know, I would probably need to look at it again properly when my head is clearer - I agree that it wasn't like the halcyon days of Season 2, but the conflict seemed minor and healthy, rather than at they're-this-close-to-yelling-at-each-other levels.


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