Wheeey, it's back

Jun 25, 2007 02:45

For some reason this video went missing a while ago, but it's been replaced under a new name.

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My brain, entirely without my permission, is planning a great big massive angsty twisty-turny House/Wilson NC-17 fic. I'm really hoping that I talk myself out of it.

writing, slash, house, house/wilson, gay, comedy

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Comments 12

recrudescence June 25 2007, 02:29:12 UTC
The Maltese Burger makes me LOL. Once upon a time, I hunted down Colin/Ryan fic. That was an ill-fated venture.

And I fully support not talking yourself out of that fic.


petrichor_fizz June 25 2007, 02:39:09 UTC
Ill-fated in that there wasn't any, or ill-fated in that there was?

Those two make me happy. Not Ellen/Portia happy, but low-level happy.

I think I may have to write the damn thing. Why do I do this to myself? This will not end well, that's for damn sure as mustard.


recrudescence June 25 2007, 03:07:15 UTC
There was. Oh, there was. *shudders*

Let me know if you need a beta. *grins*


petrichor_fizz June 25 2007, 03:13:19 UTC
I dread to imagine. And yet, I am imagining.

Thanks for the offer! If I actually follow through on this (and I'm writing right now, against my better judgment), you will be the first person I ask. And if you hadn't offered I may well have camped out outside your house until you did, just so you know.


starlingthefool June 25 2007, 03:36:27 UTC
I am also going to throw my support out there for the massive fic of angsty doom. Come on! It deserves a chance to live.
I can also beta, if you need a second reader.


petrichor_fizz June 25 2007, 03:41:34 UTC
It's... gestating. I would be thrilled if you looked it over too.

This is like going to a dinner party and having two of your favourite musicians ask to hear your demo tape.


starlingthefool June 25 2007, 03:47:49 UTC
You're making me blush.

And "gestating?" Are you breeding an alien embryo? Thumbs up if so.


petrichor_fizz June 25 2007, 03:52:24 UTC
Quite possibly. I haven't checked under my bed for a while, and the cat's been acting spooked these past few days...


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