Enthralled, NC-17

Jun 27, 2010 16:17

Title: Enthralled
Author: abstract_whisk 
Words/Time: 1113- 60 minutes
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Panic
Summary: Trent learns something alarming about his dance partner.
Notes: In 20 minutes I got nearly 600 words, but in 60 minutes I didn't even get twice that. Funny how things work. This is a prequel of sorts to Facing Fears

There was a body pressed up against Trent’s back, grinding and shimmying to the loud bass and synthesizer that served as music. It was a feeling he could get used to, close and hot in the three inches of space between his dance partner and the rest of the club. The guy- Yuri, he had introduced himself as, when he bought Trent a drink- was not his usual type, but the change was nice.

Normally he went for the more feminine guys. Not girly- if he wanted a girl he wouldn’t have hit up this club- but fine, with slim hips and narrow shoulders, jeans just barely clinging to the smooth curve of the ass. He avoided the ones obviously just looking for a hook up, sticking to the ones that he could dance with without necessarily being felt up.

Yuri was not that kind of guy. He was the kind of guy Trent wouldn’t mind bottoming for- strong, confident hands, a dazzling grin, not to mention the assets Trent felt against his ass as they danced. He had been full of suggestive looks as they drank together at the bar and finally, when Trent couldn’t take it anymore, he had invited the guy to dance.

It was a good decision, he decided out on the dance floor. He hadn’t been cruising for any action, but maybe Yuri had been and if so, that was perfectly fine. Yuri was more attractive than half the men Trent had been with in all of his weekend club runs. His breath was hot in Trent’s ear as he suggested they go somewhere a little more private.

Usually- and this was proving to be a most unusual night- Trent would have refused at that point. He enjoyed good sex as much as the next person, but there was something particularly skeevy about heading out to the alley with a man he had just met inside a club. There was something hesitant in Yuri’s voice that made Trent believe that maybe he hadn’t been cruising after all, some sort of curiosity and caution. It made Trent look over his shoulder- they were of a similar height- and smile into a kiss on the young man’s lips.

They held hands, in that clichéd romantic way that Trent rarely indulged in and the moment they had made it into the alley, Trent disentangled their fingers and reached for the guy’s belt loops. There was only a moment’s delay and a bruising kiss to his collarbone, before his affections were returned.

Trent was built something like a swimmer, though he never swam in his life, and had no time for skinny jeans like the ones Yuri was wearing. This gave Yuri plenty of room to sneak his hand in and wrap careful fingers around Trent’s dick- forcing him to let out a manly sort of gasp until he got his own hand inside to return the favor.

Hand jobs with a near stranger against a brick wall seemed way less skeevy than actually having sex. It was considerably less uncomfortable as well, despite the lack of lube. Trent breathed heavily, pressing a sweat slick forehead against Yuri’s shoulder as they pushed and stroked and ground in tandem.

When Yuri came it was with a grunt and a sigh, smiling a flash of white in the darkness. His hand stayed steady around Trent as he pulled him along to his completion and in the bubbly afterglow of his orgasm, Trent began to touch the man, mapping him out with his fingers.

“Nice abs,” he murmured, ticking fingers along the muscle. Yuri endured the attention with an amused smile. Trent went on, listing assets. “Great hands.”

As if to emphasize the point, Yuri brushed his hands down over Trent’s ass and gave it a squeeze.

“Nice ass,” he said. Trent looked up into his face, to return the smile. It was then that he noticed the man’s teeth, which he studied earnestly.

“You have a very pointy smile,” he observed, brow furrowed. He was in the process of reaching up for another kiss when Yuri replied.

“I should hope so. I am half-vampire, after all.”

Trent’s heart stopped. Or nearly stopped, because a millisecond later it was trying to beat out of his chest. Vampire? Even through his alcohol and orgasm muddled fuzz, he could still recognize the name of the creatures that haunted old stories and nightmares. He tried to step back, but only ran into the wall.

“You’re what?” he demanded, voice high with panic. Blood sucking, thrall inducing, bat crazy mother fuckers- he’d always been warned to keep out of the shadows because of them. He pushed Yuri away a bit, only succeeding in getting the vamp’s hands off his ass. “You’re a vampire!”

“Half,” Yuri protested, but his words were drowned out by Trent’s sudden heavy breathing.

“Did you- seduce me or something? You put me in a thrall!” Trent considered it a plus that his words were even coherent, the way his head was spinning. His breathing still wasn’t coming as naturally as he would have liked. “Oh my god, do you want my blood or something?”

Yuri took a bit step back, but even with that huge percentage increase of space between them, Trent considered calling rape. Never mind the quickly cooling come that was leaking through his boxers and never mind the way it had gotten there. It hadn’t even been of his own free will!

“Hold on now, I didn’t-“

“Yes you did! Make it stop, take it off me!” Trent crossed his arms firmly over his chest, widening his stance in an attempt to look confident and intimidating. The vampire was looking at him like he had just declared the sky was constantly a rather peevish shade of mauve.

“If I had you in a thrall you wouldn’t be panicking right now,” Yuri said levelly. “I bought you a drink, we danced, and then we gave each other mutually satisfying hand jobs. I haven’t done anything to you other than that.” He looked patient, white blond hair settling a bit over his eyes in a faintly sullen manner. Nothing like the dangerous monsters of Trent’s dreams.

“But-“ Trent put up a token of protest, and then found himself with a mouthful of eager tongue. He gave in to the kiss, calming as it progressed. When Yuri pulled away he asked, just to be sure, “Not a vampire?”

“Half,” Yuri said, with a gleam of pointy smile. “But I don’t do blood. I could be convinced to go out for burgers, though.”

Try as he might, Trent couldn’t come up with a reason to refuse.


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