Facing Fears PG-13

Jun 13, 2010 16:15

Title: Facing Fears
Author: abstract_whisk 
Words/Time: 656/20 minutes
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Sunlight
Summary: There's a little known fact about a certain half vampire.

There was a little known fact about vampires, Trent thought, or at least, a little known fact about one certain half-vampire, known for taking after his mortal mother and for his brilliant blonde hair. The fact was that a vampire's aversion to sunlight had more to do with a pathological fear than with any potential physical damage exposure to do. Trent was pretty sure Yuri took after his father on this one because, despite his dislike of blood, dark capes, and prowling around at midnight scaring young women, he hardly ever ventured out of his basement apartment, unless it was raining.

"Where are we going?" Yuri managed to ask, between kissing Trent full on the lips and being kissed other places that made coherency a distant thought. Trent sucked up from Yuri's nipple, moving his mouth to Yuri's collarbone and then up to that sensitive place just below his ear.

"Surprise," he responded, when he let up for breath. He had managed to get Yuri up against the door, and was in the process of turning the knob behind him.

The door swung open, backward, because Yuri's apartment was not so much an apartment as a once-was storage room/janitor's closet, which had been wired up with electricity and plumbing on somebody's horrible burst of misled insight. The duo stumbled into the hall, Trent pressing ever forward, backing Yuri up until his heel ran into the bottom stair and he suddenly lost his footing.

"Ow," Yuri said, having taken most of the landing, plus Trent's weight. He was quickly distracted by Trent taking advantage of nuzzling down his naval and licking his bellybutton. "Shouldn't we- ah- do this back inside?"

Trent shook his head and got to his feet, pulling Yuri with him. He tugged him up to the first level landing, and then knelt down, wrapping his arms around Yuri's bare waist and deftly undoing the zipper and button of his jeans. Yuri bit back a strangled moan, as Trent pulled away without touching him any further. Trent darted up to the next landing, and then lay back against the stairs leading up from there. He pushed his own shirt up and wriggled his jeans lower on his hips.

"You coming?" he asked. Yuri was on him in an instant.

It really wasn't as hard as Trent thought it was going to be to get his boyfriend up past the next couple of landings. A bit of teasing, lots of welcome touches and suggestive looks got him up past the third floor. He slapped Yuri's ass once, and was chased up two more.

"Stay put," Yuri demanded finally, grinding Trent into a door. Trent's breath caught as Yuri pushed Trent's jeans down around his ankles and pressed their hips firmly together, sliding and pushing in a quick rhythm. It took Trent a minute to focus again, but finally he inched his hand back around behind him and turned the final doorknob.

Yuri's reflexes were too good to let him fall, and though he stumbled backwards, he did not land on the floor of the building's roof.

He grinned, kissing Yuri's as the young half-vamp stared, open mouthed around the bright sunlit roof. His hair, more beautiful kissed by the sun than it had ever been before, fell half over his eyes and Trent brushed it away, kissing Yuri's forehead.

"See?" he said, above Yuri's sputtering. "Better than you thought, huh?"

Yuri growled, pushing Trent onto his knees and then onto his back, covering him with his own body. For about half a second, Trent was afraid. Then Yuri resumed devouring his mouth.

"Asshole," he said, between breath wrenching kisses. "You got me all the way out here, you had better be prepared to put out."

Trent produced a tiny packet of lube and a condom from the pocket of the jeans around his ankles. He smiled deviously.

"I told you facing your fears would be rewarding."


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