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The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 00:14:05 UTC
May was stable, but Peter was still a bit freaked out. He did take the time to change into less messed up clothes, though, so he didn't smell as bad.

[OOC: Same deal.]


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 4 2007, 00:59:48 UTC
"You've never given Max a heart attack," Peter pointet out.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 4 2007, 01:07:57 UTC
"No. I got him killed," she said quietly.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 4 2007, 01:34:49 UTC
Peter blinked. "You win."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 4 2007, 01:58:01 UTC
Isabel tipped her head back to rest against the wall. "It's not a contest. But yeah, back before we were Max and Isabel, we were Zan and Vilandra. And Vilandra, who was stupid and naive, wound up betraying her brother to his enemy. She got them all killed."

"It was rough when he first found out. He was upset. But we've moved past it."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 4 2007, 02:10:10 UTC
Peter let that sink in for a moment before deciding to try to break it up with humor. "Your original name was Vilandra? Was your middle name 'Bigdork'?"


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 4 2007, 02:25:07 UTC
"Yeah, something like that," she said, giving a small laugh.

"It's going to be okay. It might take time. But it's going to be okay."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 4 2007, 02:44:47 UTC
"I hope so," Peter said.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 4 2007, 03:08:04 UTC
"You're a good person Peter. And you deserve to have things work out for you. So until I hear otherwise, I'm going to keep believing it will," Isabel said resolutely.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 4 2007, 03:29:07 UTC
"Here's hoping that it works out well sooner than later," Peter said.


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening izzyalienqueen June 4 2007, 03:59:45 UTC
"Tell you what, give me ten minutes to run to the cafeteria to get you some dinner and something to drink, and we toast to it," she said. "Sound like a plan? You need to eat."


Re: The hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 4 2007, 04:20:53 UTC
"That'll work," Peter said. "Thanks."


Re: The Hospital, Saturday evening swerval_zero June 3 2007, 00:58:38 UTC
"Hey, hooskspider," Zero said gently. "What's the swoo?"


Re: The Hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 01:22:53 UTC
"She's resting. The doctor said she just needs some time to rest and I'll be able to go in there," Peter said.


Re: The Hospital, Saturday evening swerval_zero June 3 2007, 02:07:32 UTC
Zero nodded. "Mind some company?"


Re: The Hospital, Saturday evening peter__parker June 3 2007, 02:25:19 UTC
"If that company is you, I don't have a problem with that," he said, smiling a little.


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